Mary-You #7

Apr 07, 2004 00:17

And so, I breathe a sigh of relief as we arrive at this, our final YouJack. mylla directed me towards this one. Sometimes, I think she's trying to kill me.

TITLE: A Stolen Girl, 3 Stolen Hearts
CULPRIT: SlythPrincess
SUMMARY: "You are a young woman who is left all alone after your mother dies. You marry Commodore Norrington, but when you are stolen by pirates and traded around will your world change? Will the rogue Captain Jack Sparrow change your view on life? Becomes graphic"
BEST LINE: "Deep down you knew there was something special about this man, something that noone could match, and you knew that eventually, you would have to surrender to him. Jack grinned as he looked down at you. He had been afraid that you were going to be permanently scarred by the Captain Clouse." Silly Jack. Being raped repeatedly is just a minor inconvenience that leaves absolutely no physical, emotional, or spiritual scars behind. Haven't you sexed enough Sues out of their raped-induced sorta-glumness to know that by now?


This shot is meant for you, Sue.

OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE ORIGIN: A girl raised at a convent to returned to Port Royal to take care of her sick mother.
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS/AFFILIATIONS: Is Commodore Norrington's wife. Is Jack's one true love.
SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: Just those same amazing recuperative abilities that all abused/rape!Sues have.

THE "PLOT": We being with the information that your mother has died. And the day after her funeral you're going to a party. You see, you need to find a husband now that your mother is dead. I guess because somehow even though she's been ill for all these months she's still been supporting you which means that a few days after she dies every last bit of money has run out so if you don't completely and totally disrespectfully go out partying to land a man then you'll starve or something. Whatever. You go, you angst, you meet Commodore Norrington, you're smitten, so's he, and a few really boring chapters later you're married. Fast forward a year and you're bored. Your heart calls for adventure or something. Plus, the Commodore must be really bad in bed since you want to hurry up and have a child so you'll have an excuse not to have sex with him anymore. Then the ninjas attack! Ok. So it's actually pirates. I was just trying to spice it up a bit. Anyway, they attack and you make one of those absurd illogical deals that Sues always make in stories like this and are kidnapped by them. You deal with the pirate captain to have him leave Port Royal is that you'll do whatever he wants. The pirate captain, apparently, doesn't really understand the concept of being a pirate and scoudrel so he agrees. Then he proceeds to lock you in his room and rape you repeatedly for some indeterminate amount of time. Jack eventually comes to the rescue in the form of taking the other captain's ship. In a fit of temper over your dress being gone you kick the wall really hard and break your toes. Back on the Black Pearl Jack sets your broken toes as you think about how HAWT he is. Then he kisses you and since it only takes ten minutes in the presence of a HAWT guy to get over being kidnapped, held captive in a tiny cabin, and repeatedly raped you're just fine with that. Newly happy and carefree you immediately decide that with Jack is where you need to be so you guys kiss some and hang out.

NOTES: How can anyone be so completely misinformed? Beyond that, how can anyone be so completely lacking in common sense as to think that rape is something that a person just gets over five minutes after it's happened because a cute guy looks their way? Oh, and this author also seems to count the pirate captain who raped Sue as one of the men whose hearts she stole. Because when you're in love with someone, you rape them.

Then to top it all off this horrible fic with its horrible trivialization of rape the author has the gall to constantly beg for good reviews. I'm talking at least twice every chapter. Ok, to be fair at first she was just begging everyone not to flame her. Then she turned to thanking everyone profusely for the good reviews. And after they went to her head and she started to believe that her story wasn't the total piece of shit that it is, she began to request glowing reviews from everyone who read.

I feel kinda sick now.

The Sue is kidnapped by pirates.

You listened as the butler walked down the hallway, it was such a familiar sound and it echoed well while you sat in the kitchen gazing out at the garden. You smiled at the thought of how often he had done that exact deed, how many times you had sat waiting for your husband. A sudden gunshot broke you out of your trance however.

You jumped and let out a small scream, immediately running for the servants exit and entrance. You managed to scurry through the narrow hallway and escape the house but were shocked at the sight awaiting you outside. There was men going through every home and business as far as you could see. You assumed that pirates had come to Port Royal, and, panicking, thanked the lord for allowing you to live so close to the fort. You knew you'd be safe if you just got there. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, only stopping when you heard your name called out. You stopped and saw your husband running towards you, but too soon you were pounced on from behind. You groaned as your face smacked against the rough road surface, feeling small stone wedge into you. Is it just me or does that sound dirty? Whoever it was had decided to sit on your back, holding you down firmly, only lifting your head with a harsh yank on your hair so you could see your husband fighting another pirate. You began to cry, deciding this was punishment for all those fantasies. You mean wish-fulfillment fantasies like this crap? You felt a rather sharp knife press against your neck you realized it was very unlikely that both you and the commodore would survive this as the scenario played out in front of you. You gasped, coughing as you accidentally inhaled a pile of dirt. "Leave him alone and I'll do whatever you want," you manage to choke out.

You felt the weight move on your back and a crude mouth rub against your ear. "What was that?" the disgusting voice croaked in your ear.

"Leave him and I'll go peacefully!" you manage to hiss out again without vomiting.

Suddenly you're flipped onto your back and you see three men of equally grotesque nature eyeing you. "And what if we just take you? Kill him and take you? Who says we want you anyways?" Good question. the one holding you down snarled.

You blinked some of the dirt from your eyes. You were trying very hard not to chicken out. Port Royal needed the commodore, they did not need you. It was vital that he survived. You took a deep breath, trying to develop a reasonable story in your head. Luckily, you had always been good at making up stories at the last minute. "I'm the governor's daughter, I'm worth a lot of ransom. That man is my brother, he's the only one who knows where my father hid his gold, my father lost his mind recently, not trusting anyone, my brother will pay you any amount for me to be safe though!" You're not as good at making up stories as you think. you tried to compromise slyly as you glance from one set of eyes to the other.

The looked at eachother critically. They seemed to be contemplating what they should do in this situation. "The Cap'n would like 'er," a blemished pirate reasoned with a rather obvious wink, to which you responded with a frightened swallow.

One looked you up and down once more. "If she's wot she says she is then she's worth double her weight in gold," the other agreed, finishing his thought with a spit to the side.

The last one gives you a sly glance from the side, obviously not convinced about your story. "How do we know it's the truth?" he hissed at you.

You stalled momentarily and looked at each of them, trying to think of a story. "Why else would I be able to get into the fort? Especially at a time like this! Uhm... because the fort is where people go when there's an attack? Also, look at my fine gown, do you think some peasent would ever be able to wear such a fine garment?" Just because you're not a peasant doesn't mean you're the Governor's daughter. That's insane troll logic. you were trying to act sort of snobby.

"Alright missy, it's a deal," he stopped and looked around," we'd better be gettin back anyways," he said rather quietly compared to before. Lucky these pirates are really, really, really, really stupid.

They lift you up and push you along, with one leading the way, one next to you, and the other behind you. You look over at your husband, who is still fighting bravely. "Remember my only term," you say hastily to the pirates.

"Aye," one agreed with some regret,"AYE! LEAVE THE LIL WHELP BE, BACK TO THE SHIP MEN!" one cried out.

"(YOU)!!" the commodore screamed watching the pirates take you as the pirate who he had been fighting grabbed a large stone and smacked the back of your husbands head with it, knocking him out.

You scream to see the whole incident happen while the pirate behind you snickers, "You remember our one term," as he shoved a pistol into your back.

You stopped talking and remained quiet until on the ship. "Aye! Remember our rule!" a pirate screamed towards you, "no women on board!" he shrieked.

"She's a gift for the Cap'n, tell em who ya are," one said loudly and smacked your bottom.

You took a deep breath, trying not to cry as you found yourself in this unpleasent situation. "I am (Your full name), daughter of the governor of Port Royal," you spoke clearly and loudly so you wouldn't have to repeat it.

"Aye, Miss (last name) 'ere is worth quite a ransom," the pirate grinned.

A gigantic pirate walked up to you, "Hold out yer arms," his voice boomed over you.

You did as told, not wanting to risk angering him. He quickly bound your wrists very tightly, laughing as you flinched from the pain. He then gave the bind a mighty yank, forcing you to follow him through a crowd of cat calls and bottom smacking. You cried silently and were soon thrown into a cabin. "Cap'n, someone brought you a present," he said loudly and left.

Sue gets some fuel for her angst.

The captain turned and looked at you. "What be yer name?" he arched an eyebrow as he pulled you up and looked you over.

"My name is (Your full name), I'm the governor's daughter," you repeat the lie, this time believing it yourself. So I'm really, really, really, really stupid too?

He stopped and looked at you with an arched eyebrow. "Then why do ye be on me ship?" Uhm, your crew brought her there, dumbass.

You were exhausted and tired of repeating these lies over and over again, you began to doubt yourself for choosing this path. But then again, you thought, what choice did you have? If you had stayed home you would have been captured or killed, if you hadn't made up this story then you would either be dead in the street next to your husband or at this point anyways. A prodding cough came from the man sitting by his desk. You looked at him and blinked wildly, coming back to life suddenly. "I came here as a negotiation to save my brother, I would like to negotiate your departure from Port Royal if you would though," you say rather quickly, trying to do the most good with your lie as possible. And steal a little something from the movie while we're at it.

He looked at you for only a moment before laughing heartily. "I already have ye, what can you possibly negotiate?"

You sigh silently to yourself and look about the room. He was right, he could do whatever he wanted with you now, you had nothing to protect yourself with. You bit your bottom lip, trying to think of something quickly before he caught on that you didn't know what you were doing. Because you biting your bottom lip won't clue him in that you're having a moment of indecision. You had wound up with many chapped lips from this habit, How the hell do your lips get chapped from biting the bottom one? but now you were noticing that your lip was split, probably from being thrown to the ground earlier. If your old schoolmates were here they would be so ashamed, you used to be so good at negotiating with the.....You look at the captain suddenly and smile, remembering how you used to negotiate with some of the nuns at the convent. "I can negotiate my co-operation in any task you demand from me," you smirk. Or since you're a prisoner on his ship he could just make you do whatever the hell he wants and kill you if you don't.

His first response was an arched eyebrow. "Surely an experienced captain such as yourself knows that when the crew is willing to co-operate it makes the day a lot easier then if they argued with everything you said to them. I can ensure that I will give you no trouble over any task if you leave Port Royal," you smirk to yourself, thinking you have the upper hand. Damn, my IQ must be somewhere about 14.

"Any task?" he gazes at you and stands up.

You nod, even though you are a little confused, the nuns never acted so oddly when you made these sort of negotiations with them. He moves close to you and looks you up and down before bringing his mouth next to your ear. "Even nightly rounds of sharing a bed with me?" I won't even bother to repeat the idea that her cooperation in this matter makes no difference whatsoever therefore she has absolutely no leverage. he moans and moves his head so he can gaze into your eyes.

You close your eyes, shocked by the comment. You were yelling at yourself inside your head, how could you be so dense? How indeed. How could you not figure that a rouge pirate captain wouldn't want that from you? Sweetie, if he's wearing rouge then maybe he doesn't want that from you. You bite your bottom lip hard, trying not to say the wrong thing. Before you realised it you were nodding, just nodding with your eyes shut. You felt his lips move next to your ear again. "You're a very loyal young lady Miss (Last name), very loyal indeed," No. Just very stupid. he moaned gently into your ear.

Suddenly he moved away from you and opened the cabin door. He stepped out and shouted instructions to leave Port Royal. He turned back over to you and grinned. "I be Cap'n Clouse, but ye can call me John," he grinned widely. (A/N: hehe, I bet you thought it was Jack! Uhm... no I didn't. Don't insult my intelligence. But really, why would Jack attack Port Royal? He wouldn't but stranger things have happened in Suefic. Don't worry ladies, he is even closer then before! The Black Pearl is gaining on us! Okay, so we're letting it catch us!)

You hear his first name and unintentionally arch your eyebrow, I mean, how many pirates have a first name like John? He laughs when he notices your surprised face and lifts a bottle to his mouth. After taking a deep chug he looks up at you and grins. "I was a privateer to start, but then fell in love with it and decided to move on to be a full on pirate," he tried to explain. Because all parents of baby boys know immediately whether their child is going to become a pirate and so if they are give them bizarre names instead of normal ones like John? Oh... what's that? You mean this is just more illogical nonsense? Ok, then.

He gets up once more, seeming to be fascinated with something. He moves up against you and gently touches your cheek. You flinch, it feels very tender from being thrown to the ground earlier. He sighs as he looks at it. "Do you need anything?" he holds up a hunk of meat on a knife.

Even though you never did get to that dinner that was being made for you and the commodore, you felt much more likely to vomit then to eat right now. "No, thankyou," you said blandly, hoping he wouldn't detect the disgust in your voice.

He grabs your bind suddenly before you can blink. "You don't even want these off?" he smiled broadly at you.

"Oh, yes, please," you nod rather quickly, after all, you hadn't thought that was an option.

He cuts them quickly and watches you. You fell yncomfortable under his watch and quickly move your eyes from place to place in the room. He grins as he watches you fidget. You hear him chuckling softly to himself and turn your eyes back to his, fixing a strong glare upon him. He returns your gaze, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You quickly glance towards the door nervously. "You know, you can seperate your wrists now," you hear him chuckle as you look down and realise you haven't moved your arms since he cut you lose.

"Oh," you smile fakely and rub your wrists, trying to hide your very red cheeks.

He continues to watch you in a disturbing manner. "Is there anything you want me to do?" you ask hearing the crew shouting, thinking that maybe they needed another set of hands. *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk*

He cracked a broad and very happy smile and immediately you knew you made a mistake in saying that. You continued to beat yourself mentally with a barrage of 'you dimrod' comments about how stupid you are I would congratulate you on realizing this, but I think that you may just be so stupid that you're completely unable to comprehend exactly how stupid you are. while he gets up and and approaches you, forcing you to back all the way into the wall. "Oh yeah, I need you to do something," he breathed heavily into your ear.

You took a deep breath as he pulled you to his bed. You sat on it before he could push you down and tried to play dumb, like you didn't know what was going to happen next. He moved his lips over yours and up your jaw line seductively, even though you were nowhere near turned on by this dirty pirate. He continued up your jaw line, stopping at your ear, "Remember," he whispered,"you promised to co-operate with any task."

You felt anger flash in your eyes, of course you remembered your compromise! How could you not, he was the one who turned it into something so filthy! There. Are. No. Words. "I shall tell the black-hearted criminal who spends large portions of his time alone at sea with only other men that I'll do anything he asks and then be shocked when he wants sex!" You whimpered softly, making him grin. You get your first good look at him while he pushes himself on top of you in the candlelight. He had ordered you not to close your eyes, so you try and focus on little details. His hair is stringy, straight, brown and greasy. He looks overall very filthy and he stinks of a distinct odour you just can't place for one reason or another. He kisses you with chapped lips and you note that despite his fairly clean shaven appearance he is very gruff and he obviously hasn't shaved in quite some time. He looks rather young and boyish. He seems to take forever and eventually insists that you moan his name. You do so without him asking twice, just wanting it all to end. You lay perfectly still while he collapses on top of your body. You glance out the window, it's very late and you wonder about your husband and cry quietly to yourslef while the captain snores, clutching your body still. You can't help but wonder if the commodore's even recovered from being hit over the head yet. You cry at the thought of him just laying in the street. You press your eyes shut and, while pressing the last tears away, try to imagine that you are back in your own bed with James holding you tenderly. Slowly you manage to slip into a dreamless sleep.

You woke with a jump as you felt Captain John on top of you again. You sighed and endured it as he grinded against you yet again. You had been onboard a few days and, although you had never left the cabin yet, you had become accustomed to the constant grabs and attacks that awaited you every day and night. The captain, as he preferred to be called, would keep you locked in his cabin all day as his personal slave, your only deed was to satisfy his lusty needs, Heh. "Lusty needs." although you were certain there were better women suited to the job. He had insisted that you stay in a thin night dress whenever he wasn't around. You spent every free moment crying, wishing that the commodore would rescue you soon. The constant rapings had destroyed your every shred of self and now all you did was swim in your very own pool of tears and self pity. And yet, somehow you're just fine a chapter later. You were disgusted by the lewd acts he made you do, each night trying to mortify you more and more. So am I supposed to feel bad that she insists on keeping her promise to do anything he asks instead of fighting back or just not complying, which it seems like a logical person would do considering that he's raping her anyway? It's not as though it could get much worse. He smiled as he finished and fell on top of you, yet again. Once again you felt his chapped lips brush against yours, everything was just repeating every day. "Aye, lass, yer definately worth more then yer weight in gold. Ye've been a good girl the whole trip, ye keep it up and I'll let you leave me cabin," he grinned at you and took your hand in his.

One more kiss and he got dressed rather quickly and joined his crew on deck. You woefully walk about the cabin, searching for where he threw the "dress" he made you wear. You had seen underwear less skimpy and almost hoped that the commodore wouldn't come find you, you would be disgraced to be seen in this. You manage to find the peice of material and crawl back into bed, crying yourself to sleep. You were waken with a jolt yet again a few hours later. The captain was panting with excitement as he dug up all his hidden weapons. "We're going to attack a ship! Stay in here and be quiet, and whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!" he ordered you, to which you just nodded.

He rushed out and you rolled your eyes. He always locked the door, if you could open the door you would have long ago. In the state which you currently were, you were willing to leap over the edge of the ship and drown, you were so tired of being stuck here. And yet you still do what he tells you instead of just laying there broken with no sense of self left as you claimed a few paragraphs ago. You hear several blasts and shouting, drawing you to the window to look at who the crew was attacking. You sighed as you realised it was just another pirate ship, some small part of you had hoped you'd be rescued. You can't get a good look at anything so you just lean against the wall weakly. You suddenly feel frightened as the boat shakes, hit with a cannonball. Shots ring throughout all earshot and, noticing a bullet hole suddenly appear in the cabin door you curl into a small ball and hide in the corner of the cabin. A large boom shakes the boom again and a heavy book falls from the shelf above you, hitting you square on the head. You blink as the room grows darker and darker.

There are no words to describe how much I wish people would stop trying to write rape into stories if they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

You had gulped the entire bottle before Jack had set there toes completely. You now were laying on your back on the bed, with your hands curled into fists which were banging heavily into the mattress. You were biting your lip to keep from screaming and tears were rolling down your cheeks. You felt a little relieved as you heard Jack say that your pinky toe was not broken. That meant that there was just one more that had to be set. Jack stopped momentarily as he placed a thick hunk of rolled fabric between your teeth, saying that you were starting to draw blood from your lip and this one was going to hurt quite a bit. You bit down hard and continued to pulvarise the bed beneath you as Jack set the last toe. He had been right, that one had definately hurt most. He smiled and pulled the now rather wet amount of fabric from your mouth. You smiled weakly, Because one should be happy right about now. What with going from being kidnapped by a pirate who raped you to being kidnapped by another pirate who you have absolutely no reason to think won't do the same. but you realized that your lip really did hurt quite a bit. As you touched it you noticed that you had indeed drawn blood. You were so focused on your finger that you hadn't noticed how close Jack had come to you. He gently rubbed a bit of rum over where you had made a wound in your lip. He smiled as you looked up at him, and once again you saw the warmth in his eyes. "Ya don't wanna be gettin' any worst off," he smiled sweetly as he mumbled it to you, being only an inch or so from your face, gazing into your eyes.

You feel your heart flutter and immediately you look away. You can practically hear his confident smile and instantly feel disgusted with yourself. You had just considered kissing a pirate willingly! I feel like slapping someone. Like, say, the person who wrote this story. What would have happened? You shook your head, you probably only felt like this because he had rescued you from Captain Clouse. You'll just save up these feelings for when the commodore rescued you. You turn back to Jack, who is smiling at you. "Why are you so happy?" you ask rather bitterly, realizing that you are far too confident for your own good.

You were giving him a solid icy glare though, figuring that it would be cowardly to change your stare while he was looking directly into your eyes. "Ye likes me," he smiled broadly.

You dart your eyes around the room as you try to think of something to say. "What a bizarre notion!" you manage to retort as you fake being offended. It wouldn't have to be a hard slap. Just something that stings enough to make people think twice before writing about things that they have absolutely no understanding of.

His smile didn't fault, and you suddenly grew aware that he was on top of you, holding himself up with a hand on either side of your head as you continued to lie on the bed. You fidgeted slightly being in this position, you had never had a good experience with a man on top of you. Well, I'm glad that "I'm" comfortable enough with my rape to make such an understatement. He gently touched your cheek and instantly you stopped fidgeting, you were so comfortable, you felt so safe. That's it. I can't do it anymore. *wanders off to cry for the future of the world when people who write things this stupid are not an anomaly* You gazed into his chocolate eyes, becoming absorbed with your thoughts. You blinked slowly, trying to find your common sense, but jumped with shock as you felt a pair of lips meet yours. These lips weren't cold and wet like the commodores, or were they chapped and rough like Captain Clouses. These lips were moist and soft, warm and welcoming as they pressed against you. You fell into the kiss, unable to resist it's charms. You weren't thinking about anytihng, the commodore, the pirate, nothing was in your mind, but you could hear something in that back of your mind mumble. You weren't sure, but you thought you were telling yourself, "It's about time."
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