Why Do Campaigns Bring Out The Worst In Republicans, Especially When They Are Behind?

Nov 02, 2008 13:19

Couple of things...

When did the Democrats become the party of... Intelligence? I mean seriously, have the Republicans lost their MINDS? This week, they have thrown ALL the monkey shit they can fling at the Democrats, no matter how inane, inSANE, or just plain WRONG it is.

I'll give you a couple of examples.

Well, that with the lady who claimed to have been mugged by an Obama supported, who carved a "b" into her face...

Backwards I might add...

Only to be found to have MADE THE WHOLE THING UP.

Then Governor Palin decides to make this idiotic statement: "If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media." Further proving the woman has no idea what the Constitution--let alone the job and responsibilities of Vice President--are all about.

Read more about it, and some excellent points on the flip side of her uneducated argument here. (Thanks tobellacrowfor the link)

Then, I was listening to conservative radio talk show host Bob Grant the other day (because, as Henry Rollins once suggested, you should not shout down your enemies, but listen to them to learn where they are coming from so you can be better prepared to go against them) and heard two callers in a row that made my blood boil.

The first was a Jewish lady from Long Island, who started by saying (I'll paraphrase since I could not find audio of this) "You know, when Adolf Hitler wrote 'Mein Kampf', it spelled out exactly what he meant to do. Years later, people were wondering why he did what he did to the Jews, but we all pointed at 'Main Kampf' as SAYING what he meant to do to us."

"Now we have Barack Obama running for President, who in 2001 told the world his Anti-Semitic views, so when as president he aids in getting rid of Israel, we can all look back and say, like Hitler, he told us ahead of time."

Bob Grant pooh-poohed this and thanked her for the call.

The NEXT caller was from a town I used to live in, Union, NJ. HE we on to say that Obama was akin to Josef Stalin, and that he would "rally all the Anti-Semites in Texas" to commit genocide on the Jewish people.

Bob Grant stopped him there Josef Stalin was an evil bastard. Maybe Bob Grant didn't agree with Senator Obama and he certainly didn't want him elected, but to compare him to someone as evil as Stalin was just wrong.

Really Bob? That's ALL that was wrong with those two calls? Comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler is okey-dokey, but Josef Stalin, THAT'S over the line? This from a man who once said he only wished three people dead: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Saddam Hussein? HITLER WAS BEFORE STALIN ON YOUR OWN LIST!!!! But the Hitler caller got barely a sideways word from you?

Let ALONE the comment about Barack Obama rallying the Jew-haters in TEXAS... Uhh, don't you think those same "Jew-haters" might also... Uhm... HATE THE BLACK GUY RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AS WELL?!?!?!??!

I think it's funny that the Republicans have pushed and pushed and pushed this negative, scare tactic campaign and then have to be apologists and admonish the people the worked up so much (as McCain did with the "Obama's an Arab" lady and the "I'm scared of Obama" guy and now Grant with the Stalin guy.)

It's like they keep pointing at someone they are mad at and call them a name, and then everyone around them starts calling them that name, and then worse names and worse names until the initial person realizes what they have done and has to backtrack, feeling bad things got so out of hand just because they themselves were mad at the one person.

THEN, this morning I see this video on bothbookbearandurbaniak's LJ's. (And yes, that would be the voice of Dr. Jonas Venture from 'The Venture Brothers', James Urbaniak.)

image Click to view

I love that Urbaniak referred to her by the new Republican "first name plus 'the' plus occupation" (way to pidgeonhole everyone into "you are what you do for a living, even if you find it un-fulfilling or unrewarding", jackasses) Shirley the Psycho.

I'll just lift this right form James' LJ. (He won't mind...)

In Happier Times: As an alternative delegate to the Republican National Convention, before her world came crashing down.

In this Washington Post dispatch from the convention floor she reveals that she is a retired schoolteacher who judges people on their appearances.

(Via Rumproast)


Them crazy Republicans.

You know what I'd like to see?

I would like to see Barack Obama win, and then in his acceptance speech look at the camera and say these words: "I would like to thank John McCain for a hard fought contest and congratulate him on a great job. I'd like to reintroduce myself to him right now in a vernacular he surely can understand. Senator McCain, I'm Barack the President. Thank you!"

bob grant, constitution, josef stalin, barack obama, john mccain, politics, sarah palin, youtube, adolf hitler

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