An Anniversary

Jun 03, 2008 23:06

In light of all the downer posts of late, I have something nice to throw at y'all..

I just got this from my mom. (And to answer your inevitable question, no I didn't know.)

I was just wondering if you realized (or ever even knew, for that matter) that today was the 40th anniversary of my first date with your father?

We rode down the shore to Seaside (where else?) in the Bonneville with the roof down and all the way down and back all the radio stations kept playing "Ode To Billy Joe" because of the opening line: "It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty, delta day..."

I just realized what today's date is and, of course, I then realized the year and started calculating years... 40 years! I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday to me.

Just thought I'd share that with the only other person still on the face of this earth who might give a damn...

Love Ya,


anniversary, mom, dad

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