Lovely Thoughts with Potch

May 22, 2008 14:10

Had a lovely thought last night, brought on by one of my co-workers wondering why when we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, we didn't just continue on and take over the whole Middle East.

Money is the reason why.

So the thought: If in fact the Arab/oil controlling countries (read as Saudi Arabia) have enough money in every stock market in the world to sink the global economy if they pulled out...

When the oil runs out, what is their impetus to stay "nice" to us? Right now, you could argue, they tolerate us for our money. But when the oil runs out and they have no more money to make from us, and don't need to be our "friends" anymore...

Then what?

If they have that kind of clout over the global economy, what's to say they don't just... Take over? They'll be able to buy literally anything.

I know, conspiracy theory abounding... But seriously, what if it shakes out that way, THEN what?

oil, money, worry, foreign politics

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