Title: I Like It
desiringpiratesPairing/characters: Jack/ Elizabeth
Rating: G
Summary: When Elizabeth gets ridiculously drunk, it's up to Jack to take care of her.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack Sparrow, or Elizabeth, but I do own a bathtub! Does that count for anything?
Warnings: (optional) No warnings. Just silliness.
Author's notes: (optional) Slightly based off a M*A*S*H episode from the second season.
Jack pushed Elizabeth's head down into the only fresh tub of water he could find in the whole of Tortuga, and after fifteen seconds, brought it up.
"What- what is- is- hic- the meaning of this?!" Elizabeth bursted into giggles, clutching at her chest.
Jack sighed. "You took too much rum in the wrong way. Now down we go..." Jack pushed her head down again, hoping to sober up the Pirate King soon.
When back up, Elizabeth seemed outraged. "B-but I don' git it!" she slurred, holding onto the edge of the tub.
"Jest relax; ye'll get it soon enough." And one more dunk in the water.
This time, when Elizabeth came up, she started laughing hysterically and trailed the water with her fingers. "I like it!" And with that, clothes and all, decided to go into the tub- leaving Jack to kneel outside it and shake his head.