Convicted of Wearing Men's Apparel

Aug 26, 2008 20:14

Someone on the 18cWoman Yahoo Group pointed out this article, which I thought you might find interesting:

Description: Jemmy HUBBARD Convicted of Wearing Men's Apparel - from the American Weekly Mercury

Date: August 10 1744

Newspaper published in: Philadelphia, PA

Last Monday a sturdy young woman, about 18 years of age, was convicted at the Sessions held here of wearing men's apparel. She has followed the sea, for the most part, as she says, ever since she was 13 years of age, occasion'd by some disgust she had taken against her parents at Bristol, and for near two years she has been constantly employ'd as a Sailor, and made several voyages, going by the name of Jemmy HUBBARD. She came last from England in one of the mast-ships to Piscataqua, and from thence hither by land, and had shipp'd herself for a foreign voyage, was an exceeding active and dexterous Sailor, as occasion requir'd, being generally the first aloft, but last Thursday she was accidentally discover'd. Upon her promising before the court never to wear men's cloaths again, she was fined by twenty shillings lawful money, and dismiss'd. This same woman was once before discover'd, when acting as a Sailor on board Captain DAVIS of this place, and afterwards was a maid-servant in several places in town, but took to sea again.

crime and punishment, ships and sailing, clothing and fashion

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