Title: Maybe It Was The Roses
Author: Jocetta
Rated: NC-17
Pairings: J/W, N/E(implied), W/E(implied)
Disclaimer(s): PoTC belongs to the Mouse.
Summary: Smut and slashy goodness.
Shore leave in Tortugua is always the same, whores and watered-down rum, awakening in a sordid room much like this one with shirts missing, trousers unbuttoned, and cocks at half-mast. In the morning light, the whore looks a lot younger than and much less like Elizabeth than she had the night before...What Will remembers of that night is enough champagne to drown in, and young boys with wicked mouths and arses that called a man to sin.
It hadn't always been like this... x-posted to
pirategasm, &