Hi, I'm Jen. I'm 20 and currently studying history and adolescent education. That translates to preparing to be a high school history teacher. I recently spent six weeks in Paris and Italy for school, but don't think it was all fun, it wasn't.
As for my style, well I like what I like. I like dark greens and creams and mostly peasant type shirts. I also buy a lot of dark red and gold stuff. But I go for most slightly darker colors as well as the lighter colors(not so much for the bold primary colors). I wear skirts but now just mostly to work. I wear jeans all year round because I hate shorts. I'm stubborn and even though I go to college in upstate New York I still insist on wearing flip flops until its December because I used to being able to wear them all year round at home(in California). This is mostly because I hate shoes. I hate having my feet inclosed. I have a lot of tank tops and spagetti straps as well. I have two corset(the ones you get from Charlotte Russe) tops that I wear from time to time and they basically are what I wear. I always wear a triquetra necklace I got in Edinburgh and two necklaces my friend gave me. I like my hair down and am trying to grow it out.
Picture time! From newest to oldest!
San Marco in Venice...I like birds.
Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Me and my cousin.
Me and Nick Swisher from the Oakland A's...and my crazy mother.
When I had my hair slightly redish last year.