(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 06:26

Weird dream last night where I watched a movie based on the life of Travis Hafner. Which wouldn't have been so bad if Vin Diesel wasn't cast as Pronk. I don't know what kind of crack my mind was on, no. Hmm...I should make a Pronk icon.

Deadwood....man, that's building up! Timothy Olyphant is looking exceptionally tastey this season. Still having a hard time wrapping my mind around "Major Dad" being a power hungry, scheaming slimy bastard, but it's about time Ian McShane's character had someone just as scuzzy as himself to test his wits against. THAT is going to be worth watching. So pissed that this is the last season.

Too much shit to do this week. Not enough time to do it.
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