Rating: PG
When: After
this post.
Where: Courts, then Tezuka's cabin.
Summary: Tennis.
Tezuka sat across from Echizen, brows furrowed in a glare toward his former teammate. He poked at the food in front of him, appetite lacking. Clearly, the Zero Shiki serve was better than the Twist Serve Tornado. Too much sugar. It was putting holes in his brain. He stared for a long moment before putting his fork down in a huff.
"A match. Now."
Echizen met Tezuka's glare with a superior look. Having shoved all the food into his mouth at a completely ridiculous rate upon receiving it, he was free to taunt all he wanted. Not that he particularly needed his mouth to taunt, it just helped.
After all, the best serve ever required energy to execute.
"You're on," Echizen smirked. "Best serve wins."
Tezuka nodded. He pushed his chair back, leaving his food where it was. Grabbing his tennis bag, he left the dining room quickly. They were going to settle this. No way was Echizen's serve better. It was good, yes, but not better.
Arriving at the court, Tezuka dropped his bag on the bench and pulled out his racket. "Which?" Today, he was not feeling generous.
Tezuka must have spent far too much time being flattered by Atobe. There was no other explanation as to why his former captain thought his own serve better than Echizen's.
"Rough," Echizen stretched his arms and watched the racket spin.
Upside down T. Damn. "Rough." Tezuka bent down and picked up his racket, testing out his shoulder with a few swings. It felt great. He'd have no problems using his serve for an extended period of time.
Echizen raked a quick eye over Tezuka's movements: clean, unforced, good.
This would be a great match.
"You can serve first," Echizen said offhand, in a way he knew would irritiate Tezuka. His smirk broadcasted no concern whatsoever.
Tezuka's lips thinned so much they almost disappeared. He turned away brusquely and walked to the baseline. He bounced the ball a few times before tossing it up and turning his racket to give the serve its desired effect. He would win this.
Echizen looked smugly at Tezuka's back, pleased with the affected behavior. He bounced on the baseline, with both split step and anticipation, readying himself for the intense serve to come.
It didn't matter if he knew exactly what was coming. The Zero Shiki Serve was extremely difficult to return. Dashing up, he caught the ball before it bounced with a counterspin to push it over the net.
Though he wasn't entirely pleased with the return, at least he managed to return it (it was not always the case that he did).
Tezuka swore under his breath. He ran to the net and smacked it back cross court. After the match, maybe he would applaud Echizen's efforts, but for right now, his smugness only made Tezuka want to thoroughly defeat the other player. He would have to put more power behind his next serve.
Echizen was too far from the cross shot to get good contact with it; the lime green ball spun just out of bounds.
Refraining from scowling at it, Echizen shifted back to the baseline to receive. He would do better this time.
He did take some satisfaction in the fact his tennis caused Tezuka to curse.
Tezuka could tell from Echizen's body language that his loss of control -- something terribly important to his game -- amused him greatly. No matter. He would try to wipe that look off his face. He threw the ball up again and jumped a little to meet it. More power, less spin.
Echizen did have to stop smirking in order to hit the ball.
His brows furrowed as the racket made contact with the heavy serve. Even though he put himself in the perfect position to return, the ball bounced harmlessly against the net. Echizen tossed the ball back at Tezuka and gripped the strings of his own racket experimentally.
Maybe he wouldn't succeed this game, but he needed to break Tezuka's service game.
Tezuka remained impassive, but inwardly, he was smirking. He knew Echizen would now try to break it, but there was no way he could let that happen. And he wouldn't.
He caught the ball with his racket and took his place at the baseline, strengthening the serve once again. He would not lose.
One game to love.
Echizen was experimenting with spin on the racket to counter the force of the ball. Though he didn't manage a smooth return this game, next time promised a much rougher volley.
At least he had his own service game to look forward to. Removing a ball from his pocket, he let it bounce on the court, once, twice before he tossed it up and jumped. It fit like an old glove. He didn't use this particular serve very often because it could be dangerous, but he had no fear for Tezuka. Buchou could take care of himself, at least where Echizen's serve was concerned.
Echizen only worried for the possibility of having to return. He dashed into position as the ball spun on the ground, gathering force and counterspin, and rocketed at an awkward angle to Tezuka's face.
Tezuka would lose this point, he knew, but the next time, he would be able to counterattack. He caught the ball on the edge of his racket and sent it back, only to watch it hit the net. Stepping back, he decided he would have to use the Zone and, if necessary, the Phantom to break Echizen.
Neither the Zone nor Phantom had the power to affect his serve, however.
Pleased with the affect of his first, experimental, serve, Echizen decided he could amp up the power. Usually he went for victories with the smallest amount of effort required to win (which meant he started slow and picked up as needed), but things were different against Tezuka.
Also, he was fighting for the honor of his serve.
Every muscle in Echizen's body released on the ball, adding to the force behind the curving bullet headed straight for Tezuka's glasses.
This was unlike Sanada's Rai. Tezuka couldn't counter the spin in the Zone to force it out with the Phantom. So that's how it was. He would have to charge at it. Breaking the Zone, he moved back and caught the ball again, lobbing it back.
The lob was a perfect opportunity to follow up the Twist Serve Tornado with a Cyclone Smash. Dashing up to the ball, he leapt up and slammed it into Tezuka's court.
Echizen refused to give Tezuka any room on his service game.
The ball hit and curved just out of his reach. One all. Tezuka's brows furrowed. He gripped the ball tight before tossing it into the air and starting his game. He knew it would become 6-6 and stretch into tiebreak (as usual). All he hoped for was that his shoulder lasted that long.
It could be said that both of their serves were nigh undefeatable. Winning their respective service games brought Echizen and Tezuka to an arduous tiebreak.
Neither of them would give an inch.
Echizen adjusted his hat to let some air between his head and the cap and pushed his hair back. It was damp with sweat and flecks of dirt kicked up by the landing balls. He bounced the ball on the ground and served, just as hard as he had been serving when the game began.
Tezuka felt a slight pull in his shoulder when he hit back the ball Echizen had just sent his way. It would be out, as they all were, but he was getting closer to bringing it inside the singles area. Fishing a ball out of his pocket, he stepped back to the baseline and sent another serve over.
The balls Echizen hit were inching slowly, but surely up the net. This one I'll get over, Echizen told himself. His racket impacted the ball, adding a vicious spin that sent it half crawling up the net...only for it to catch on the top and sink back down into Echizen's court.
With an annoyed frown, Echizen picked up the ball and headed for the baseline. He decided to channel that frustration into the ball and did so, body cracking with a whip to send it flying into the ground. Since Tezuka was close to returning it, he watched his every move fastidiously.
Too close for comfort, Tezuka thought, as Echizen's ball almost tipped onto his side of the court. Unsurprisingly, Echizen's serve was stronger then. He put his full weight behind it, sending the ball back. It was going to land in the doubles lane, close to the line, but still out regardless. Almost there.
He stretched his shoulder briefly as he returned to the baseline to serve. He threw the ball up and twisted both the racket and his body to give this one a better back spin.
Echizen's eyes followed the way Tezuka's shoulder moved, stirring him just a little bit out of competitive mode. A stretch didn't mean anything, but he would definitely have to keep an eye on Tezuka. Buchou can't be counted on to protect himself.
However, he had no more room to think with a Zero Shiki Serve to return. Echizen countered the backspin with a spin of his own and sent the ball, albeit a little fumblingly, over the net. He could feel the impact with the ball vibrating in his arm.
Tezuka ran toward the ball, hoping he could reach it, get it back over, and keep his serve. It hit the top of racket and plunked against the net. Just like that, Echizen had the advantage. He picked up the ball and shoved it in his pocket as he returned to the baseline. This next serve from Echizen, he had to get in, otherwise, the match was over.
Echizen refrained from smirking too much when he took the lead. Instead, he breathed in, breathed out and ensured that he kept his focus. There was no need for taunting here; Tezuka was probably putting enough pressure on himself without it.
He made the familiar motions of the serve new again as he sent it over the net, the strain on his muscles as sharp as the ball.
Tezuka sucked in a deep breath when he caught the heavy serve. His shoulder burned, but he sent it back with just as much power as he had all the other times before. He watched as it went over the net, landing just inside the service area.
Tezuka was hurting. He could read the strain in the swing and the slight hiss of sucked air; tennis seemed to amplify all of his senses.
He had to end this quickly.
Volleying the ball back over to Tezuka, his brain rushed with possibilities.
Damn it. Tezuka thought he had brought them back to deuce with that return, but there was no way he could let Echizen win after all that. He sent the ball back with a smash that Echizen just barely missed.
Back at the baseline, he ignored the increasing pain and served, putting his all into it. Hopefully, he would get the advantage here.
Scoring a point was Echizen's only option here. If he couldn't bring this game to a close quickly, he would have to quit, because letting Tezuka mess his arm up even more was not worth it.
The shot was strong, he couldn't believe Tezuka could deliver while in so much pain, but his own will was stronger as he sliced the ball just over the net on the left side.
As he trekked to the baseline for his serve, Echizen came up with a plan. It required a little sacrifice of pride on his end, but he considered that the results were worth it.
At first, he made like he was going through the motions for the Twist serve tornado, but instead of jumping, he seamlessly mimicked Tezuka's motions for the Zero Shiki serve.
Tezuka steeled himself for Echizen's serve. He was down again and if he could break Echizen's serve for the second time in a row, he might get another chance. He watched his opponent's body move like he had seen so many times before, but there was a shift and his own serve was coming over the net. He paused for a nanosecond before charging after the ball. He touched it, barely, and crashed into the court as the ball smacked into the net. Echizen had won. With his serve.
He got to his feet and picked up the ball. "It's a tie," he said unsteadily, the pain in his shoulder surging full force.
Echizen's nose wrinkled in a wince at Tezuka's crash landing and held his hand out over the net. "Hai, buchou," Echizen agreed without contestation. "Let's go get some ice." He didn't show any worry on his face, though Tezuka probably knew exactly what he was talking about.
A win now wasn't worth not being able to play Tezuka in future.
Tezuka shook it briefly. "Aa," he said as he walked over to his bag. No doubt he would have to ask Echizen to wrap up his shoulder and wear the sling. Apparently his mother was psychic. "And a nap on deck for you afterward."
"Maybe we should have baths first," Echizen suggested. After all, Tezuka did not want to wrap up his arm while it was all sweaty. "I have some salts that are good for sore muscles," he added. They could even wrap an ice pack for Tezuka's arm while he bathed.
Tezuka nodded. "Back to my cabin then," he said, putting his bag over his right shoulder. He could bathe and let Echizen do the same while he got a hold of Oishi for pain reliever. "I would appreciate it," he added, beginning the walk back to his room.
Echizen shook his head. "You take a bath first. Leave the door unlocked and I'll let myself in after I get some painkillers from Oishi-senpai," Tezuka did not need to be fussed over right now. "I want to feed Karupin too," he made himself another excuse.
Tezuka dropped his tennis bag just inside the door and held it open for Echizen to enter. Letting it close behind him, he slowly peeled off his shirt as he walked toward the bathroom. "I'll keep it unlocked," he said, figuring out Echizen's ploy. "Are the salts in the bathroom?"
"Yeah, I think I left them in there from last time. They're in a white box under the sink. Use the blue bottle that says sore muscles." All of his salts were labelled and stored neatly in no particular order.
He watched Tezuka's retreating back before dropping his tennis bag and going to feed Karupin. Since Tezuka might be in the bath awhile, he decided to take her with him. If need be, Karupin could be a diversionary tactic to nab painkillers from Oishi.
Fortunately it wasn't necessary. Oishi wasn't around so he just left an I Owe You note with his name on it and swiped the medication.
Tezuka heard the door close as he found the salts. Turning on the water, he realized it was wasteful, just slightly, to be taking a bath, but the pain called for it. He shook a little in, careful not to use too much of Echizen's stock. He finished stripping while the water continued to rise, shutting it off once he sank into the warmth. It didn't take long after bathing for the shooting pain to subside into a consistent ache.
Satisfied with that much, Tezuka let the water drain and he got out, drying himself off quickly. Pulling on underwear and track pants, he made his way back into the bedroom and sat on the bed.
Karupin padded into the room before Echizen did and accounced her presence by rubbing up against Tezuka's ankles. Echizen wasn't too far behind with painkillers, ice and an ace bandage and a set of clean clothes for himself.
"Here," Echizen tossed the bottle of painkillers to Tezuka's right side. "You can return the bottle to Oishi-senpai when you see him tomorrow." He put down his stuff and started punching the ice pack to make it cold, "We should probably wrap your shoulder up before I take a bath."
Tezuka nodded, reaching down to pet Karupin for a moment before grabbing the bottle and reading over the instructions. "I will," he said, knowing fully well how that was going to go. Oishi was quite possibly going to have a coronary.
Noting the bandages, he took a deep breath. "If you need more, the bag on the couch has the ones my mother sent, but it can wait until you're done. I'm in no rush."
Echizen shook his head. "Coach says it's best to alternate ice and heat. You just had heat with the bath so it's time for ice," Tezuka could always hold the ice pack to his shoulder, but that was kind of annoying. It was just like Buchou to try and accomodate everyone else when he was in pain.
He might need the extra bandages. Maybe a set to just wrap Tezuka's arm and the other to fasten the ice pack.
"I could hold it until you are finished," Tezuka said. He knew he was being stubborn, but he really did not enjoy people fussing over him. It wasn't like he was going to move anyway. That match had exhausted him.
"I'd rather do it now," Echizen said. If he made it into what he wanted to do instead of what Tezuka needed, chances were that Tezuka would agree to it. "Now hold still," he removed his sneakers and shuffled up on Tezuka's bed, just behind his former Captain.
He wasn't about to take no for an answer.
"Very well," Tezuka said. He set the bottle of pills back down and tried to remain as Echizen had requested. He focused on breathing and staying calm, coaxing Karupin over so he could distract himself with petting her while he was wrapped up.
Echizen just sat there for a moment behind Tezuka, watching his shoulders move up and down with steadied breathing. The urge to press a kiss to Tezuka's neck, the tempting spot just under his hair, suddenly popped up. Echizen shook his head to ignore it and focus on the important task ahead.
With a practiced hand, Echizen carefully wrapped the first layer over Tezuka's shoulder and upper arm such that it would both be comfortable and tight enough to remind Tezuka he isn't supposed to move it. As a professional athlete he had plenty of practice wrapping himself up. Then, he applied the ice pack and wrapped the second layer so it would stay put.
"Is it too tight?" he asked.
Tezuka began to wonder how many times Echizen had this done or did it himself. Soon enough the first layer of bandages were on and his upper arm was immobilized. He could feel the cold from the ice pack seeping through to his skin as Echizen wrapped another layer to keep it in place. Flexing his hand, he shook his head. "It's fine, Echizen. No loss of circulation."
"Good," Echizen said, resting his chin briefly on Tezuka's good shoulder. It wasn't a kiss, but it quelled the urge a little bit. Buchou smells like tennis, Echizen thought.
After a few moments, he forced himself to get up. "I'm gonna take a bath," he said, quickening his steps to shuffle into the bathroom. Before he did anything of the sort, he would have to splash some cold water on his face.
This was neither the time nor place to act like a weirdo!
Tezuka closed his eyes at the touch. He wasn't sure whether or not something else should happen, but he didn't move. "Aa," he finally said as Echizen's weight left his shoulder. Once the bathroom door closed, he rested back against the pillows. Maybe he would actually take a nap.
Echizen's bath only lasted fourty five minutes as opposed to his usual hour. After all, he didn't want to make Tezuka have to come after him while in such a state. He towel dried his hair and threw on some clean shorts and a t-shirt.
It was an interesting reverse to see Tezuka asleep when he left the bathroom. A small smirk crossed his face when he saw Karupin curled up to his former captain. Silently, he snapped a picture on his phone and saved it in his memories. Sneakily, he moved to the side of the bed with Tezuka's injured arm and slipped the ice pack out; Tezuka would get ice burn if they left it there too long.
Satisfied that he could do nothing more, he slipped into bed on the other side and fell asleep with his two favorite people, surrounded by thoughts and smells of tennis.