abaxrpg app

Nov 28, 2011 02:00

player information.

name: Britt
are you over 18?: yeeeeeep. 
personal lj: I'm always bringing cookies :c
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: email: yourfamousfriends@gmail.com, plurk: kingofallcosmos
characters in abax: Charlie Pace (youallerrybody)

in character information.

series: The Lord of the Rings
name: Samwise Gamgee
sex: M
age: 35
race: Hobbit
height: 3'5
weight: 96 lbs!!?!? I've looked at so many height and weight charts and looked at all kinds of stuff about the hobbits of Flores and gfdghfjhg I really have no idea how much Sam would weigh.
canon point: Just as he realizes that Frodo has only been paralyzed by Shelob and isn't dead. (or: Sam has a freak out when he gets to Abax and finds he's lost the ring!)
previous cr: n/a

history: here!

personality: Sam is simple in both appearance and speech, thus people may assume he's simple in mind as well. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. He has a greater interest in the world than an average hobbit in that he's fascinated by different creatures that dwell in Middle-earth outside of the Shire, Elves in particular, and believes that the world has a lot to offer beyond the Shire's borders. Sam also possesses a keen talent in poetry-writing and enjoys fantastical stories and legends. This isn't to say he's a particularly adventurous sort - on the contrary, he is rather a typical hobbit in many other ways. Along with an enjoyment in drinking, smoking and eating, he also takes great joy in gardening and would like to have his own garden one day.

At first Sam is shown to be somewhat shy and perhaps even a little awkward, socially. He expresses obvious interest in Rosie Cotton but is hesitant to approach her and reveal his feelings despite the fact that he's in love with her and would like to marry her some day. (....... Wow I make that sound creepy, don't I!) His folksy, plain manner of speech and his tendency to come across almost as a "country bumpkin" type illustrate him as a humble & well-mannered working-class hobbit.

However, we soon learn that there is far more to Sam than even his friends and relatives in the Shire likely ever realized. Once he's set off with Frodo on the very long journey to destroy the Ring, he demonstrates an unbeatable sense of loyalty and strong friendship. No matter the situation, no matter how difficult things get, Sam is there for Frodo. If Frodo is threatened, Sam will be the one stepping between his friend and whoever's a big enough jerk to threaten a hobbit. (LOOKING AT YOU, FARAMIR. jk jk) Any time Frodo begins to struggle Sam will be sure to try to fix it, whether it be by offering to carry the ring (an offer not received well, mind you) or by actually carrying Frodo up a freaking mountain. For the duration of the trip he lives by the words Gandalf told him in the very beginning: "Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee." He makes a transformation from a naive hobbit who was, at first, excited to see Elves yet frightened to go so far from home, to a brave and courageous spirit who would do whatever it takes to help keep Frodo safe and ensure the Ring reaches Mount Doom.

But all that bravery and love and devotion and all doesn't mean he's a perfect flawless being, of course. No matter how many adventures he's had on his trip, he is still but a hobbit who spent the majority of his life within the Shire. He doesn't possess the same worldly knowledge that well-traveled and better-taught people might. He does have a fair amount of good insight (He's certain from the beginning that Gollum can't be trusted, for example), but his naivety is still bound to rear its head from time to time. Also the hardships of the journey with the Ring have taught him to make snap judgments when needed but that doesn't necessarily mean that the judgments he ends up with are good ones. He's pretty skilled at fixing things when he messes up, though.

abilities/powers: Sam is only a tiny little hobbit and therefore doesn't possess any fancy magical abilities, and is also pretty unevenly matched against most people in physical fight. He is, however, capable of combat using a variety of weaponry (sword, frying pan, large rock, whatever's within reach). He's also decent at throwing rocks (and probably anything else throwable) as a means of defense as well. He's a fantastic gardener and a good cook too. Oh, and if Abax plans on holding any Olympic swimming competitions, Sam won't be of any use because he can't swim.

first person sample:

dear mun post. let me know if you'd like something else!

third person sample: Abax was a wondrous place. Terrifying and cold and unlike anything Sam had ever laid eyes on, but wondrous. He did not think it could have been built by the hands of Elves or Dwarves or even Men, and certainly not by Hobbits, for these tall, strange buildings looked nothing like anything in the whole of Middle-earth. Not even in the tales Sam had been told as a child had he heard of a kingdom such as this one.

In a way, it struck fear in him that chilled him to the bone almost as deeply as Mordor did. Not because he knew that great evil lurked here, no, but because he didn't know for certain. He knew nothing of this place. It was eerily empty and quiet, with naught but impersonal dwellings and foreign shops full of clothing and items that Sam knew nothing of. There were no animals, no gardens, nor friendly people to greet confused travelers such as Sam.
There was nothing and, in turn, Sam had nothing to do apart from wander these peculiar streets and hope he might run into a friend. After a while of more nothing and not much else, he decided to rest, and stopped.

"At least," he said to himself as he settled down on the front stoop of a nearby building to think for a while, "I'll have yet another tale to tell back home."
case no: randomize me?
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