Title: "Good Luck Moving On"
Author: einannanhalling ( einwritting )
Characters/Pairings: Mainly; Prussia/S.Italy
Length: around 3,000 words?
Rating: PG-13 (thus far)
Warnings: None
Summary: Gilbert's been living with his brother for the last six months, signed up for an anger management class he doesn't need and watching his younger brother get
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Prussia x Romano needs more love yes *wise nod*
You're gonna write a third chapter right?
I just love they way you write, it makes me happy 8D
I love this pairing. Haha, they do! *nod, nod*
Yep! It's half done right now. I'll try to finish it up tomorrow!
Tv T Oh gosh, thanks! It makes me happy to make you happy!
I'm already making several of my friends like this pairing and they didn't like it that much from the start. My evil plan is working xD
I can't wait to read it! :'D
Yay, we're all happy!
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