This past week has been more interesting than others I have had. I guess. It started out by me being completely barshit crazy and stalking the hell out of a certain dude. Again. (Don't even ask who it is because YOU KNOW.) It was getting Bella Swan levels of obsessiveness when I even started having dreams about the dude. A few days ago, he referenced an obscure movie in his Facebook staus that I curiously wikipedia-ed, and then had an entire late night conversation with him about the movie, as if I had actually seen it. ~DON'T JUDGE ME~ He also Facebook event envited me to his screening of his (probably) crappy student film that took place on Wednesday. I worked Wednesday, but after I came back from lunch I faked sick and took the rest of the day off. I thought about going. I really wanted to go. But if there's one thing in this world that I am afraid of is someone realizing that I'm stalking them and coming off desperate. Which I am, but I don't want anyone else to know that. (Except you, LiveJournal. You are my only friend.) So a few hours were wasted on me wondering why he would invite me. Did he simply invite everyone on his friends list? I checked our mutual friends list and interestingly, I was the only one on there. He knows Annie just as well as me, I suppose, and she wasnt invited. Did he only invite people from the film department? Well, I haven't taken a class in over two semesters and even then I didn't really do anything. Obviously this means he is asking me on a date and wants to hold hands with me throughout the movie. Alas, I chickened out. I might have gone if I had a safety buddy to come with me so that I wouldn't look completely awkward and simply went shopping with Carly and Justin instead.
Thursday I had my jury duty orientation. It was pretty boring, but I'm stoked for it. The only thing that bums me out is that it is taking place all June and July, thus canceling out any vacations or roadtrips I planned on taking. Bummer. Still crossing my fingers for a high profile murder case.
This happened on "Community":
There is only one place your eyes go to when you see that image on a 50 inch plasma screen, let me tell you. He has a show in San Diego when I'll be in California for my cousin's wedding. STOKED, is what I am. But tickets are $57. Who do you think you are, Joel McHale?
I went to the movies with my brother last night. "Iron Man 2" was amazing! Caught the midnight showing and was blown away! Tony Stark: what a babe. I love my men snarky. And smart! Building a particle excelerator in your garage to invent a new element that's saves your life? Pretty hot. Mickey Rourke's face will never not be scary to me and I missed the old actor who played Rhodes. If you go, make sure stay for after the credits. I was sitting there in the theater wondering why the desert looked so familiar until the guy pulled up in NM license plates. The theater cheered, lol. But then the theater officially lost it's shit when they shows Thor's hammer sticking out the ground. It was awesome.