Despite me trying to grow out my hair into long, luxerious Jessica Simpson locks for the past year, I kind of chopped most of it off to match the emo slump I've been in for the past few weeks. Now I semi-regret it. Dont get me wrong, it looks good, but it just takes so much work to make it look good. The thing about scene hair is that you must straighten and hairspray the shit out of it every 5 minutes. Fuck that. So unfortunately, I'm pretty much just rocking an awkward mullet most of the time. Here, I even took a picture.
Yes... I am Kristen Stewart. (Actually, I just don't know to take a non-ugly picture of myself in the bathroom mirror, so you get this bitch instead. But you see that hair? That's exactly what mine looks like.)
Anyway, the whole lack of posting is due me doing a whole lack of nothing. I did go finally see "Hot Tub Time Machine" last week and it was horrible. I knew it was going to dumb, but I was hoping for an awesome kind of dumb like "Dude, Where's My Car?" Unfortunately, I was denied and it was just dumb. I do feel embarrassed for John Cusack. He's such a respectable actor! He's too good for this! And it tried way too hard to be "dirty" kinds of funny like "American Pie" or something and it failed horribley. I'm hoping my mom didn't get most of the "jokes" (actually the funniest part about the movie was that MY MOM wanted to see it), and the forecast looks clear. Today, while watching the 200th episode of "South Park", I had to explain to my mom what a "fudge packer" was. Lol forever.
In case you haven't heard, "Glee" is back *~OMGZz~*. Sigh. If there was ever a show that was overrated it's this one. Don't get me wrong, I like it for what is and I watch it and all, but mainly I'm just frustraited for that it could be. The pilot was the most amazing hour of television I had ever witnessed. Then they upped the camp by 1000% percent and the GOD DAMN PREGNANCY STORYLINES and what might have frustraited me the most how "produced" the song performances were. All these kids (except Finn) and sing, so why not let them SING. (Except Finn.) I get they have to pre-record the songs and then lip-sync in the scene, but the ~music video sounding~ and obvious overuse of auto-tune just grates. And Mr. Shuester should just not rap. Ever. No, seriously.
I don't think I would have even bothered to watch the new episode if my dad didn't record it on the DVR. (He'd never admit it, but I think he's a secret Gleek. Which is funny if you've ever been to my house, because according to my friends, he's just "Stef's Scary Military Dad Who Never Talks and Always Looks Angry". Yeah, he's into musicals. :p) But I liked the new episode! Even if they did kind of destroy one of my favorite American Rejects songs for life! I'm seriously loving the fact that added a new male who can sing (unlike Finn) and I'm digging him and Racheal together. (Hey, they were both in "Spring Awakening" together! No wonder their chemestry was so HOT.) And oh mah Lord, there is some Idena Mendzel. They better let this hot bitch sing some "Seasons of Love" or something stat. Oh and hey, I'm calling it now, but the new guy and Idena are totally fucking. Did you see the look they gave each other at the end of the episode? And you would know this just watching any single episode of Ryan Murphy's other show "Nip/Tuck". This is Ava and Adrian 2.0. Except for the sex change operation. And the incest. ...I hope.