I know I'm a little late to the game, but hey. It's been a busy week.
The trailer for "Eclipse" has been released. Oh my fucking GOD, y'all. We all know how crappy "Twilight" is, but usually, I actually enjoy the trailers. I got all excited when the trailer for the first movie came out because, well, I didn't know any better. When the trailer for "New Moon" came out, I popped a boner for the vastly improved cinematography. Now, looking at this one for "Eclipse", I am absolutely moved to ~tears~.
The memory section of my brain is telling me that I liked the book "Eclipse", but unfortunely, I can't remember the reason why. Isn't this the book where not a fucking thing happens? I mean, the book starts out with Bella as a human, in highschool, dating an abusive boyfriend, and Jscob being an all around pussy. How does the book end? Oh with Bella still human, still in school, dating an an emotionally abusive vampire, and Jacob is still an all around pussy. (She's just not that into you, dude. Seriously.) Maybe I liked it because anything --ANYTHING-- was better than Bella's whinning for 30 chapters straight throughout "New Moon", I don't know.
Anyway, source material aside, this looks like it's going to made of so much fail. (Well, more so than usual. You know what I mean.) First off, can we talk about why in the world they replaced the HBIC who played Victoria, who was the best thing about "New Moon", I might add? Shame. This new chick does nothing for me and that wig is all kinds of awful. I am excited for more Dakota Fanning, though.
As always, the dialog remains retched, so no suprise there. The lovely Micheal K over at Dlisted was able to convey my exact thoughts with the most eloquence:
Taylor Lautner needs to work on his romance-talk. I mean: "I'll fight for you until your heart starts beating." I know he's saying until she turns into a vampire, but STILL! That's not how you love up a bitch with words. If my heart stops beating first, you obviously didn't fight hard enough. If you loved me like that, you would punch tricks for me until YOUR HEART quit it. Stop lying.
Lol. I love you, Micheal K.
Speaking of "Twilight", I know I ragged on RPattz's new movie
earlier, but now I'm hearing all around that the movie is actually good and that he does a wonderful job acting. God damn it. I got all pissed off when someone on ONTD spoiled the ending, but I had to stop myself and remember that I wasn't even going to see it in the first place. "Well, maybe I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD..." "NO, STEFANIE. YOU WILL NOT. STOP." I have conversations with myself in my head quite frequently, thanks for asking.
Anyways, Annie and I will be embarking on the 3rd Annual "Seeing 'Twilight' Drunk at Midnight" Spectacular and it will be awesome. Have they announced whether or not they are making a "Breaking Dawn" movie yet?