we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl

Nov 27, 2009 13:14

I got my laptop! Woot woot. It's not the one I wanted because apparently, waiting outside in the cold for two hours is still unsufficient time before they sell out. So, I got one cheap one at regular price, but still under my $500 budget and no free anti-virus software for a year. Wah. But at least it's something! I'm on my way to finishing the "Stuff Stefanie Wants" list (aka the key to my happiness). Up next, I need to set up DSL for my parents' house because we are still dealing with dial-up here. Once I got that set, I can upgrade my iPhone to the 3G S and then I'll get a car and pay off what still owe NMSU from 3 semesters ago and hey, if we can add a hot boy in there somewhere then everything will be AWESOME.

Anyway, so far Black Friday has been less violent than what was expecting. No one was shot or stabbed over anything, but I'll be watching the news later to see what I missed. The most drama that we experienced was probably the rediculous lines at Target and the lady who almost accused my mom of shortcutting even though mom was obviously there first.

Josh came with us and many lolz were had outside of Best Buy. The nice people at Denny's came by and gave us free hot chocolate!  

i'm rich, iphone

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