Apr 13, 2005 17:51
So like...Britney Spears is totally pregnate. Woo. SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FLAWLESS GOD-LIKE ABS, SUCKAH!
I hate ABC. All week they've been showing previews for supposedly "tonite's" brand spankin "new" two-hour season finale episode for "Lost". I mean, Locke gets shot(!) and it's been confirmed that the message Boone received was "WE'RE the survivor of flight 815 and not "there were no survivors of flight 815" (!!), and hopefully we'll get to find out what's in that goddamn hatch (!!!). But nooooooooo. The season finale's not til the end of FRICKEN MAY! Tonight is a crappy repeat. I KEEL YOU ABC! I KEEL YOU DEAD!
Anyway..so like, yesterday, I totally met my husband. And by "met" I mean "stared/drooled at a lot" and by "husband", I mean "he has no clue I exist". DUDE, THIS GUY IS THE HOTTEST HOTTIE THAT EVER HOTTED...EVER. And Jovani hung out at the skate park yesterday, and..there he was. Came out of nowhere. He must've been 17-18, has obviously died blonde hair, with one or two black patches. (He looked like a leopard. Hee.) He had "just right" baggy jeans, a tight-ish grey Shorty t-shirt, he was just..perfect. His clothes, his body type..everything. I mean, damn. Now all I have to do is go to the skate park everyday for the rest of my life, stalk him, follow him home..you know..the basics. :p