Nov 26, 2008 12:23
Ok. So, "Twilight" grossed about eleventy billion dollars at the box office this weekend, making it the biggest opening for a female director and "New Moon" has already been green lit. I guess I'm partly to blame for that because I have seen it twice already and I CAN'T STOP, Y'ALL. It just keeps getting more hilarious each time.
- Kristen Stuart. Homegirl is HOT and therefore, I hate her. Her Bella was awesome and non-annoying (unlike the books) which is all I could ask for this Thanksgiving. (Marry me.)
- Jessica. Total bitchface in the books, totally awesome in the movie.
- The scenery. So pretty!
- Charlie and his shot gun.
- The wire work. Instead of being superfast, vampires just fly, I guess.
- The special effects in general. So bad. Soooo bad. "The Covenant" sucked, but at least it looked cool while they said their crappy dialog.
- The dialog. But that's not really the movie's fault because it was all VERBATIM from the book.
- The flashback scenes. Homoerotic.
- The actor who plays Jacob. Your face is fucked up and you have the aura of a douchebag.
- The 80's electric guitar soundtrack
- Robert Pattinson and his hilarious acting. (See Icon.)
- The entire movie is a car commercial. It is.
- The *sparklez*. 'Nuff said. ("This is the skin of a KILLLLERRRR!")
The first time, Annie and I went at the midnight showing and it was awesomely bad. We knew it was going to be, so we snuck in vodka in Gaterade bottles. But when we were drinking, some chick behind us was all "I SMELL BOOZE!" and I freaked out and out them away. :P
Last night, we went with Josh, who has never read the book, and it was even better. Although, he missed half the good parts because he kept asking questions. "Why are they so glow-y? Doesn't anyone notice? Wait... are they ALL vampires? Why can't he go to the beach? WHAT THERES WEREWOLVES TOO?! Damn, Edward is hot. Fuck, when is this movie over?"
Afterwards, we went to Sonic and did some stuff. I have the best friends in the world.
movie reviews,