(no subject)

Sep 17, 2008 11:21

Ooo, today is going to be a fun day. I can just tell. (Oops, I hope me saying that dosen't jinx it, and like, in an hour I find that my car has been keyed and my apartment is on fire or something.)

Usually storyboarding is a boring ass class but today it was hilarious! We had this assignemnt to draw (with whatever ablilities that we had) a 5 frame storyboard that portrayed the following: Harry sees Sue walking down the street. Sue gets in a car with Brad. Harry is sad. Easy enough, no? My creative juices are rather limited every one in a while, so I kept it basic: Close up shot of stick-figure Harry, wide shot of stick-figure Sue across the street, close up of stick-figure Harry smiling, wide shot of stick-figure Sue getting into a retarded car with stick-figure Brad, and then close up of stick-figure Harry being sad. The end.

We then, had to go up in front of the class and present them. Oh man, these things were hilarious. I think the best one was where some guy had Sue as a prostitue working the corner, Harry, who is in love with her, trying to stop her, but then she sadly gets into a car with horny Brad, and then Harry is sad. AWESOME. I was also glad to see that I was not the only one who used Stick Figure Theater to portray our camera shots, although there were a few showoffs who actually used things like "perception" and "shadowing" and "proportions" and all the fancy smancy artist shit. UNTO YOU, I BLOW RASPBERRY.

And oh my God, as I was typing this, a boy whose name rhymes with Fared just walked by me, tapped me on my shoulder, and complemented my newly super short, crazy blonde hair. I am now hyperventilating. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGZZZZ. <3333

lol, boys, college

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