Oct 29, 2007 00:27
Holla! Sorry I haven't updated in so long but right after I posted my previous entry, I told myself that the next would be about receiving my iPhone in the mail and how I now knew what a new mother feels when she holds her newborn child in her arms and I would be all cute and funny about it. Well, it did come in the mail that Monday afternoon but I didn't get the motherfucker activated until exactly two weeks, 3 trips to El Paso, and 4 mental breakdowns later, today.
Long story short, AT&T sucks ass and they are the devil. About 3 and a half times I was tempted to just unlock it but I'm a total pussy and I've heard the horror stories that leaves your precious iPhone a $500 paper weight and also, doing that shit voids your Apple warranty. But who cares cuz I'm now on a bitchin service plan, all my shit works, and I could not be any happier. This phone is the coolest thing I've seen in my entire life! I'm even posting this journal from it! From my bedroom! And I don't even have wifi at my house! Have I mentioned that it also has the cutest factory ringtones ever? Because it totally does.
I'll post a real update about my awesome friends adventures when I am able to get to a real computer. Until then, TOODLES!