Apr 08, 2006 01:03
seventeen x love: omg i LOVED the florida list
potatotart103: haha yayy...i posted it and i went to tell u i left u comment and u had signed off and i was like oh crap haha
potatotart103: omgg...lol yeaa alberstons i think he was like did u break that and i think i said, "like hell i did"...my god im such a bitch haha
seventeen x love: hahahah oh yeah that's what you said!! i remember the answer being bitchy but i thought it was just no
potatotart103: ::claps hands::
seventeen x love: i mean hellooo
seventeen x love: WYANDANCH
potatotart103: i was like crazzzay...but she has like 7 friends..i was like myspace loser alertttt
seventeen x love: not even enough for a top 8
potatotart103: hehe..it really was meghans fault
potatotart103: she like totally went down the broken jar aisle
potatotart103: ur gonna get a new comment tahts cuz i delted the first one cuz i spelt "aisle" wrong lol
potatotart103: is that even how u spell it lol
seventeen x love: haha aw ok
seventeen x love: i have no idea
potatotart103: how come some of ur pics blurr but not all
seventeen x love: i really have no idea, i wonder that to myself sometimes
seventeen x love: hahah
potatotart103: hahah okayy..i wonder like everytime i look at that thing im like hmmm
potatotart103: ohh i was reading my xanga the other day and i came across an entry i wrote about us having a convo on the phone and i said something like COWGIRLS ARE FOREVER!!!!....and i know it has to do with something we had in that phone convo but do u remember what cuz i cant lol
seventeen x love: no idea
seventeen x love: hahahaha
potatotart103: me either lol
seventeen x love: send me the link
potatotart103: to my xanga?
potatotart103: its like 2 or 3 entries down lol
seventeen x love: k
potatotart103: haha and then entry before that is like a sorta kinda note thing to u hahaha im fuckin weird hah
potatotart103: why do u still talk to me hah
seventeen x love: maybe it wasnt to me
potatotart103: ohh
potatotart103: thats weird
potatotart103: maybe it wasnt haha
potatotart103: i have no idea then whats that about lol
potatotart103: wellll
potatotart103: now the cow girl thing is ours for no reason hah
seventeen x love: hahah sweet
seventeen x love: is it bad that i love the veronicas
potatotart103: i just remebered what the can i cut them is lol
potatotart103: and im crackin up
seventeen x love: hahah we're amazing
potatotart103: yeaaa
seventeen x love: it was really hot out!
seventeen x love: Did u see me on the news? I was on it...everywhere!! I was on the news in China!
seventeen x love: what is that
potatotart103: thats when u told me u were protesting cuz like sonic or checkers was gettin rid of the shake u like and replacing it withlike bananna or osme flavor
seventeen x love: OMG YEAH!!!
potatotart103: u were soo passionate about that subject lol
seventeen x love: hahaha
seventeen x love: who does that
potatotart103: honestly i dont know lol
potatotart103: im totally gonna like copy and paste half this convo to my lj just cuz...so in like a year i can read it and be like hahahahah lol
potatotart103: ohh ...abby deleted her myspace..that makes me sad...u can neverrrrrr delete it if u wanna stop going on go ahead but if u delete i loose all my precious colleen comments and that would make me sad lol
!!cowgirls are most definitly foreverrrr...whatever that means!!!!....CFL!!!...i should totally move there for the summer that would be sickkkk...we would get into soo much trouble hahah...okayy that is all!!
p.s. learn to like it ;o)