Stupid life

May 18, 2005 16:57

Yeah well i had a shitty day yesterday! some little 6th grader said "Fuck you" when i was passing her on the bus! when i got off the bus (to prevent from getting any more refurals) i said "next time you say somthin to me, you might wanna watch what you say!" well she started walking with her friend and her friend turned around and said "She said your a Whore!" then the little girl who said it ran home! well i was to pissed to function so i went home to talk about it and she calls! well i said i was busy and i didnt feel like talking to any 'little boys' right now!(she tries to dress like a little boy) well she called me a clown a hung up! well today i had to walk to skool (cuz my brother had to take an hour to fix his hair) and she rode the bus. Her friend told me that she said "I could beat her up any time!" Yet today i heard from people that when they got on the bus she kept trying to get off and saying "shes gonna kill me! shes gonna kill me! Oh no Heathers comming!" (my names heather) Then i got off the bus and said "what the fuck is your problem? i let the first time pass and you say more shit about me? One question; if your so scared why are you egging me on?" well she never turned around and ran home(again!) well shes in for a treat tomorrow! Another thing is my little buddy who seems to always be on crack asked me out in my year book! i'm a little freaked out because i thought i would be the last one he thought of! so then i thought well maybe hes kidding! and today one of his friends confirmed it! I was tryin to see if he would mention it today and guess what he did! at PE he asked "have you read my thing i wrote in ur year book?" and i said "no i havent read anything yet!" dumb o'l me but i didnt kno what to say if i said yeah i read it! i'm not sure but i'ms a confuzled! well intrestin day huh? yeah well i'm tired and boreded so thats it for today!
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