For the First Time Im going to Brag and talk good about myself :) OMG! its the end of the world!!!!
Well I am like 100% percent better. My stress is still there. LIke now haha I have like four more home work assignments to do and its 1:33 am! haha But whatever its not due to procrastination its just I have no time!...BUt you know what its fine. I think It was tikundo and seeing Jon that made me so happy. Cause for something reason I have self -esteem. Thats CRAZY! Everytime I smile I feel like im shooting pretty beams of happyness ( haha as gay as it sounds it was the best way I could explain it).I feel free.Like not even the fact that I feel im drifting a bit away from Andrew makes me sad ( thats crazy) and I know we will be fine but how I used to be that would have killed me. I don't know I feel pretty and thats the most suprising thing of it all. I havn't felt like that in a really long time! You know what I don't even give a shit that the three guys I have liked for over 3 years don't like me back. Haha its there lose. I am a kick ass chick. I am nice, I listen like no other, and I really really care about everyone. I handle everything well and don't do stupid things anymore ( I don't even think about it). I can play guitar pretty well and I write pretty songs that If I ever heard on the radio I would like them. I don't care about what people think of me cause I know I will FOREVER! have my special friends ;) and you know who you are.
I think I just got so low that the only thing I had left was to be in a very good mood haha.I realize that I control my emotions and if I want to be Mad ill be mad if I don't I'm not.
I thank G-d for My AWSOME! Parents that are like my heros because they have to deel with so much every single day! Also for my Awsome friends I wouldn't be where I am without you guys. My dog cause he makes me smile ;) haha. And last but not least My Brother he means so much to me. What he is going through right now hurts even me cause I know he is lying when he says he is fine. he is one of my best friends and no matter how old he gets we still act like we are 5.I LOVE YOU CLAUDIO!