Feb 06, 2004 09:30
Ok...So i havent updated in a while...hmm...not a lot has been happening...Been going to school. Taking that stup. Math test and whatever, if i didnt pass that shit, i am going to shoot someone in the head. AKA the superintendent. Or i could just be like the lil blackie @ my school..."man, if i knew i had to take these tests to graduate, i wouldnt have moved here". LOL Even though i've lived in minnesota all my life, i would just move so i didnt have to take them. Whatev.
Yesterday tia and i went to Ruby Tuesdays, and then walked around rosedale after that. We both got new purses. I think hers is the cutest...and mines, meh, well cute i guess. Its a little small but it'll do. i <3 purses. They are the best. Mine is black and it has 3 stars on it. And Tias is Black and has one pink star on it. AHH black and pink together?....MUAH!! they are hot together.
Last night I just babysat my cousins then came home and went to bed. What a fun night for me.
This weekend...is going to be FUN. I am going to kellys with Tia and Maybe Jessica. Kevin is gone for the weekend. Thank GOD. If he was going to be there i woulda SHOT myself. And him and his lil kissin nicks ass...Haha...i'll tell u somethin...lil skinny ass.Then on sunday i am coming home around 12:30 and i have to go to my cousins baby shower.---> NOT ALL THAT FUN<---
Ok...some people have been really buggin me lately. Im not friends with them, but I hear stuff about them. Ok...wtf we cant be friends anymore because I am friends with someone your not? Well thats FUCKED UP. I never liked any of the people you guys hung around with but, i still did it, because you woulda gotten your way anyway. Im not just going to drop one of my really good friends just so i can go and be apart of a whole drama fest.
***SORRY*** to everyone else i just HAD to get that off my chest.
Today i didnt feel like going to school because i have went everyday this week, yeah i've left early, but fuck. i get sick of hearing george of the jungle screaming and all the ghetto kids screaming in my face...Ah hell no bitch. WTF, our little school is turning into brooklyn. Whatev. i'll post on sunday, about what happend this weekend...cause i know someones about to start a fight. :::Later:::