I got a tattoo today.
So, the line is from the Weakerthans' song "My Favourite Chords". I mean, of course. And, well, you know, the Weakerthans are my favourite band, have been for years and years and years. And this song means SO much to me. It's not one of those songs that automatically makes me insanely happy (like, say, "Plea From a Cat Named Virtute"), but it centers me. It's one of those songs about simple daily life and enjoying what we have. I can listen to it, no matter what mood I'm in, and feel alright after. And all the lyrics are amazing (especially "Well you are a radio, you are an open door, I am a faulty string of blue Christmas lights. You swim through frequencies, you let that stranger in, as I'm blinking off and on and off again." which would be pretty long for a tattoo) and I think this one line sums them up pretty well. And, well, I like that there aren't actually any chords drawn in or anything, it's just the words, because ALL chords can be included because I like music, period.
It's on my left forearm (it's kind of a weird picture, I know, but you try taking a good picture of your forearm!) and spans almost the entire thing (starts about an inch from my elbow, ends about two inches before my hand). I also like where it ends because of my history with depression and my suicidal past and how this song just dragged me out of all of that.
Anyway, the picture was taken two hours after the tattoo was finished (really, I took it right after I was able to take off the bandages) so it's still very red and puffy, so I'll take another picture in a week or so.
For those who are wondering, I have about seven more planned already, I just need the time and money. I joked that the tattoo artist would see me back in a week. But rumor has it that we're getting bonuses at work in two weeks so maybe then. :o)