May 03, 2007 16:23
I'm pretty sure that Avocado thinks he's a dog.
I mean, he plays fetch, and it wasn't my idea. He sleeps on his back, and cats just don't do that.
Today... he jumped in the shower with me. Oh, man. That was funny. Of course, he didn't realize that the water was coming down a lot harder and hotter than in the sink, so he immediately skittered away. But he stayed on the edge of the tub, or even at the other far end of the tub. Weird cat, I tell you.
Oh, and then I took him out into the yard on his leash. Which he loves. (Aside from these walks, he's an indoor cat. I haven't gotten his feline leukemia vaccinations yet, and I don't know if I want to have him going outside on his own. Azabel does, though, and she's fine...)
Also: he prefers Kali's food, and water bowl (and she has a HUGE water bowl, so this is hilarious). But Kali prefers cat food, so... maybe our pets are just weird? But then again, Kali has her own issues, she thinks she's a small lap dog (or maybe a cat? Who knows?).
Azabel's pretty normal. For a cat.