Sep 05, 2012 04:37
In that darkest corner
When you are alone
And only the maddening silence surrounds you
Think, dream, desire
For the land you live in
It is lost
Look outside of yourself
See the Nation
A fellow citizen
Friends, family, strangers
In your darkest corner
They are too
Like you
And Nation
Oh, our Fathers
How they would lament
This wretched state
That we are in
We have foresaken our unity
Division, hate, fear, stupidity
Guide us now
Our pillars do sway
Under this tumult
Wake up
Before we are written
To the pages of history
As yet another failed society
Only you
And you
And you
And me
Can save this Nation
This beautiful country
From a certain suicidal destiny
Please, remember...... We are a Society..... We are the United States.....
Without you though, we are going to die