Sooo, Zee V.S. Kai, FIGHT!

Jul 22, 2010 00:10

Impending wall-o-text of Doom!

So, before the jellyfish incident, I was wondering why I don't care for Chairon as much as a love interest for Kismette- I mean, he's pretty nice right? So, I devised this little scoring system that counts up niceness points. (Not like, sim niceness points, more like a niceness tally) Anyways, I thought it was a good way to waste time it was a brilliant idea :P. I'll probably use it on my own characters later.

So, the scoring goes like this:
+1 points for doing something nice for someone
+2 points for significantly helping someone, possibly at your own risk or inconvenience
+3 points for attempting to or successfully saving someone's life
-1 points for being rude or insensitive
-2 points for being intentionally malicious or selfish
-3 points for attempting to or successfully killing someone/ ruing someone's life

So, we'll do Zee, the favorite, first. (I'm trying to be as objective as possible, by the way. I may fail)
Ch. 3: +3 points for saving Kismette from the "cannibals",
+2 points for housing/ feeding her,
+ 2 points for giving up his bed and sleeping outside,
Ch. 4, + 3 points for covering for her with Chairon and Deinja,
Ch. 6 , -1 point for being stand-offish to Kismette,
+ 2 points for being willing to spend his day off shepherding Kim to Reensville,
Ch. 7 , - 1 points for shutting Kim up by scaring her,
Ch. 8, + 2 points for helping Kim with Evelynn, even though it might look odd,
Ch. 6 -2 points for drugging Kim (seriously Zee, that was a tad bit creepy. Even if it was innocent, really creepy),
+3 points for attempting to save Kim and taking a bullet,
Ch. 13: +3 Trying to offer himself in Kim's place,
Ch. 20: +1 for being really really unspeakably cute bantering with Kim,
- 1 for his abrupt rude ending,
Ch. 25: -1 for not catching Mejaine (only 1 because she really was asking for it),
Ch. 27 +1 for checking up on Kim, Ch. 28: +1 for taking her out to lunch and being cute,
Ch. 29: +1 for "helping" her with homework and self-defense,
Ch. 30: -1 for getting into a fight with Kim, +1 for giving her the necklace (I think it deserves more, but I have to stay consistent *sigh*),
Ch. 32 + 3 for saving Chairon's life,
Ch. 33: -1 for being indecisive on his phone call to Kim (personally, I thought it was adorable, but it seemed to irritate most other people)

Aaaand next is Chairon. (Phew, I'm already tired from Zee)
Ch. 4: -3 points for trying to get Kim put in the research center,
Ch. 17: -2 points for using Zee to make himself look good,
Ch. 18: -1 points for ignoring Kim's request for directions,
Ch. 24: +1 points for asking Kim to dance,
Ch. 26 +1 points for giving Kim roses,
Ch. 29 +1 points for giving Kim chocolate,
Ch. 31: -2 points for insulting the necklace to Zee's face,
Ch. 33: -1 points for breaking Evelynn's heart (only 1 because it was unintentional, just insensitive),
+1 points for trying to protect Kim from the press,
Ch. 34 -2 points for TRICKING AND DITCHING Zee D:<,
-2 points for trying to undermine Kim and Zee's friendship,
Ch. 35: +3 for saving Kim's life,
+1 for the flowers.

So that leaves us with a grand total of: Zaelem, with +18, and Chairon, with -5. Ouch. According to my point system, To catch up with Zee Chairon would have to save someone's life eight more times. XD I put some of that up to Chair not being a major character for very long.

That took SO MUCH LONGER than expected. Wow, I feel like an insane stalker now with no life, haha. At least I did this as a break from convention prep, and not from, like, some insane stalker impulse.

colliding stars

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