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From potap - Агафон Потапов
Time posted: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 08:54:27 GMT (3 days ago)
Original Request:
Today, I upgraded to a paid account with the only aim of having the user statistics on my profile page (#comments posted, #comments received). However, I still do not see them.
Could you please explain me what happens? (My friends can see that even from a basic account...)
From potap - Агафон Потапов
Comment (#7195244)
Posted: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 08:42:31 GMT (1 day ago)
Hi there! Are you all sleeping? Before, I always had your feedback much quicker.
From potap - Агафон Потапов
Comment (#7196176)
Posted: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 07:05:10 GMT (a few seconds ago)
Товарищи дорогие, допоможите! Шо там у вас, уси на каникулы разъихались чи шо?! Чи ви ангельской мови не розумиете? А може, вы не туда пишете? Так пишите на agafon.potapov@yandex.ru!