Oct 28, 2012 19:58

Character Limit: Unlimited. We do ask that you only pick up characters that you can handle, and only as many as you can handle. If that is one, then have one. If you can handle half a dozen then we fully expect you to be active with your half a dozen.

To reserve a characters see our Character List

APPLICATION: Copy/paste and fill in.

Name: (Real name, handle, whatever you want to be called)
Age: (Your age MUST be visible on your main journal.)
Player Journal: (You MUST leave a valid journal)
E-mail: (Please leave a valid contact email address)
Contact Info: (aim, msn, yahoo, etc. Typically AIM is what is used by most RPers.)

Journal: (The journal your character will be using)
Personality/Biography: (At least one paragraph, just so we can get an idea on how you will play the character.)
Journal Sample:
Tag/RP Sample:

Once your application is accepted, please complete the following:

1. Read the [ RULES].
2. Join these communities (in your character journal): pot_lj, pot_ljooc, pot_ljlog.
3. Go to the [ QUICK ADD] and comment with your journal name to be added. Add everyone else to your journal.
4. Post your [ CONTACT INFO].

** A note on journal creation: Please ensure that when creating, or revamping and reusing an old journal, that you enable PM's. If you disable the ability for the mods to PM you, or anyone from the game, we will politely ask you to change it. Refusal may forfeit your right to play the character of your choice.

Please be patient. We will approve your application when we have the chance.

&application, &modpost

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