Who: Oshitari Yuushi & Tezuka Kunimitsu
When: Three weeks after the other log.
Where: Starbucks
Summary: General book chit chat
Warning/Rating: PG
Comments/Crits Allowed: Go for it!
Ten minutes early, he noted, flipping his cellphone closed with ease. He would of made it here earlier, had there not have been a Real Housewives marathon on TV. Reunion episode at that! Those were always the most catty of them all and by far the most enjoyable to watch.
Oshitari tugged at the backpack slung across his shoulder as he made way inside the busy Starbucks, hoping that his companion had yet to arrive. He had recalled Tezuka's stern face at how it would be his treat this time around, but if he could just get there earlier -- nope, eyes spotted the familiar figure seated at the same place as last time...with two cups at the table. Oshitari frowned. Damn those housewives.
"Tezuka." The tensai purred the name out as he approached, offering a slight wave of the hand. "Have you been here long?"
Tezuka had been taking a sip of his double shot latte when Oshitari entered, voice friendly and rumbling as per usual.
"Only five minutes, Oshitari. Tall soy hazelnut mocha, correct?"
Oshitari settled himself in the seat across from Tezuka, nodding at the coffee choice. "Aa, thank you." He said as he eyed the cup with slight curiosity, assuming Tezuka had come early on purpose. He would of refused it being the other boy's treat, but alas those Housewives sucked him in for too long.
"It's my favorite drink here, aside from their teas." He took a sip from the hot drink, laying his hand across the backpack settled in his lap.
"Their chai is good," Tezuka agreed, though if he wanted a regular green or oolong tea, Starbucks would not be his first choice. "But I usually get coffee."
Tezuka couldn't remember the last time he ordered something that wasn't his double shot latte. "Which tea do you prefer?"
"Though most of them are good, I recall their Calm Brewed Tea mix being my favorite of the lot." As it was called, it had a wonderful blend of chamomile, rose petals and other soothing herbs. It was said to have the same affect as sitting for 45 minutes in a mountain meadow on a sunny day, or at least that was in it's description.
"So how are you today, Tezuka-kun?" Oshitari asked, fixing his eyes directly onto Tezuka's rather than his arm.
"I cannot say that I've tried it," Tezuka admitted after taking a sip of his own coffee. "I'm well, thank you, though I am afraid I have no new news. And yourself?"
He took another sip of coffee. "Also, you can simply call me Tezuka."
"I will treat you to it someday then." Yuushi smiled at his companion, lips hinted with assertion. It was his own subtle way of encouraging a future meeting, whether it was at Starbucks or not.
"Tezuka it is." Oshitari said, more than happy to drop the -kun when saying the other boy's name. "I am quite well, thank you." He took another long sip from his hazelnut mocha.
"Though I have had slight muscle pain around my rib cages lately." Oshitari grinned to himself, recalling their back and forth conversation online just the other day. It was hard not collapsing on his keyboard with laughter at the time.
"You do not need to treat me," Tezuka pointed out, "But I would be willing to try it regardless." He was perfectly amenable to future meetings; he could encourage Oshitari to read more books that did not contain coitus.
Ever so slightly, his brows bunched in concern, "Perhaps you should see a doctor, or your school nurse, about that. I hope you have not pulled anything."
"On the contrary." Oshitari said. "I will need to treat you since it is my recommendation, you could dislike it afterall." Plus, he just enjoyed the idea of treating the other boy. It was that serious face he made when he would refuse, that was it, oh wait ...that was always in place.
He nodded, lifting his hand from the backpack in order to rest it against his ribcage. "Ah, I will most likely see the nurse soon." Oshitari kept his face serious as he spoke despite his obvious amusement. "I am sure it is nothing for concern."
"Your reasoning is unfounded. I like most tea, so I will likely enjoy it," he turned his serious gaze on Oshitari's chest as if his eyes had x-ray vision and could see right through to the problem. "You will not know if it is 'nothing for concern' until you do so. Seek medical attention as soon as comfortably possible."
Oshitari watched as Tezuka's serious gaze seemed to almost examine his chest, feeling slightly bad over the small white lie. "Yes, yes. I most certainly will." He lifted his hand as if he was making a reassuring promise.
Clearly, it was time to change subjects, lest the other decide to give him some sort of lecture on his laughing-induced pains. Yuushi lifted his gaze from Tezuka, zipping his backpack open in order to view the books that lay inside. He took out the first one, the other boy's favorited LOTR novel, and set it on the table. "Returned in perfect condition, just as promised." The tensai bounced his sights back onto Tezuka, offering a gentle smile.
Satisfied, Tezuka nodded, "Good."
Understanding the change of subject, Tezuka opened his bag as well. "Thank you for taking good care of it. I've brought your books back as well."
As he piled Oshitari's books (stuffed with post-it notes and covered in neat brown paper) on the table, he inquired, "I'm glad that you enjoyed Tolkein."
Oshitari nodded, failing to notice the covered books on the table as he retrieved the rest of Tezuka's books along with two of his own. "It was definitely my favorite of the reads..." He allowed his voice to trail off once his attention was back on the table.
A pile of neatly brown books awaited him with more post it notes than someone studying for an exam. At first glance, once would assume them as text books rather than the homo-erotic novels they were. Oshitari quickly covered his mouth with a closed fist, releasing a small burst of a chuckle. "I see you had a lot to comment on, Tezuka."
"It might interest you to know that many of the themes come from Tolkien's experiences in World War 1," Tezuka offerred, relieved in the safe return of all of his books.
Oshitari seemed to be quite taken with the appearance of his texts; he assumed the tensai was relieved to have his things returned. "Aa. The purple notes cards are for the plot holes I detected, the green ones are for implausible events, the blue are for incorrect facts and the red are things that I found difficult to understand." How would Oshitari understand his notes if he did not first explain them. "Oh, and the orange I used to put together the pieces to uncover the gayngels religion."
....Now why was Oshitari laughing?
Oshitari stared at the assortment of post it notes briefly, nodding along as Tezuka began his drawn-out explanation of what each color meant. A rainbow, how ironic, he noted rather idly. He had expected the other to make notes, yes, but this looked like extensive research almost!
His blue eyes were filled with amusement as they raised from the colorful display on the table, trying his damn hardest not to laugh. "Tezuka, this looks like you went through a great deal of trouble." Oshitari's lips twisted into a grin. "I'm looking forward to reviewing all of it, especially where you pieced together the gayngels religion." He was more looking forward to the red tabs though.
"Well, I had never pursued anything of the romance genre previously," Tezuka admitted, "So I thought it best to write down as much as possible."
It also seemed important to have a religious basis on which to understand gayngels. Otherwise, how could the book be comprehended?
"I see." Oshitari said, clearing the table of it's brown and rainbow'd companions. "Then I am glad I was able to provide you with something out of your norm." He thumbed through the pages of one of the books before placing it in his backpack, almost laughing at the ridiculous amount of post it's this one had.
He turned his attention back at Tezuka once the books had been placed away. "I brought along the first volume in that wizard P.I series I told you about." Yuushi tapped at the book laying on the table with a slender finger. "It's quite enjoyable for what it is."
"Aa, it was indeed....different," Tezuka took a long drag of his coffee before looking more closely at the book on the table. Analytically, he picked up the book, read the bit on the back and flipped through its contents. His lips twitched up into a pleasant expression as he realized that it contained very little romance or intercourse.
"It looks very promising, thank you," he set it down respectfully. "I brought you both the second and third Lord of the Rings..." Tezuka pulled those out of his backpack as well. He would have handed them to Oshitari, but the man still seemed to be examining his post-its.
Oshitari went for a sip of his coffee, watching as Tezuka flipped through the book with an analytic eye. This book, unlike the rest, was void of all the coition the others all had. Well, it had it's small share, but barely even there. Plus, there were no homosexual undertones -- sadly.
"I hope you...enjoy it." The tensai raised an eyebrow, unsure if he had just seen the slightest of change in Tezuka's stoic features. He looked at his coffee, then back at Tezuka's pleasant expression, then back to his coffee. Maybe the hot drink was making him hallucinate in some bizarre way. Oshitari shook away the thoughts, focusing once the other had spoken up. "Thank you for bringing them, Tezuka. I'm excited to read through them and eager to watch the movies as well."
"I'm sure I will," Tezuka assurred Oshitari. "You're welcome. Honestly, I am pleased to have converted another person to Lord of the Rings."
Those words suggested at his love for the Lord of the Rings, but did not quite scream it. "The movies are very well made, though they are extremely long."
Oshitari smiled upon hearing the stoic boy's words, a bit surprised to find him so enthused by something other than tennis. "I'm glad you allowed me to borrow it, I hadn't thought I would enjoy it so much."
The Lord of the Rings was not usually a book he would of picked up on his own, though he knew of it's praised reviews, it just wasn't in his genre. But, if it wasn't for Tezuka, he would've never known of how absorbing the story really was. "Are they?" Oshitari asked. "Perhaps I can come over some day early to watch one?" After he had finished the series of course.
Lifting his coffee, Tezuka asked, "Why is that?" He had to wonder why Oshitari would read something that he hadn't thought he would enjoy.
But that would validate the question: why did you read Manaconda. Regardless of how based in logic his own answer was, Tezuka hardly wished to be posed with said question.
"After you finish the series, of course," Tezuka said, unaware that he was echoing the tensai's thoughts.
Oshitari lifted his coffee at the question, slightly amused that Tezuka would ask such a thing. "In truth, I hadn't though I would enjoy such an epic high fantasy novel." Even though he had read quite a few of them. "But I found myself completely enthralled in this one as I read through it."
He mulled over asking the other boy why in turn he had read Manaconda, but chose to stay quiet instead on the matter. Tezuka would only offer some drawn out explanation...or worse. He might bring up butterflies again. Oshitari cringed.
"Of course." The tensai paused for a moment, wondering why Tezuka had chosen to repeat what he had just said, though realized he had only been speaking to himself in thought. "I'm looking forward to watching the movies, though I am almost sorry to say I don't have a Manaconda film to show you." Oshitari couldn't help but laugh as he gazed over at Tezuka.
Tezuka blinked several times. "But Hot Cargo contained many elements of fantasy."
As Oshitari's face scrunched, Tezuka cocked his head slightly, as if surveying a painting. He was about to ask of Oshitari was all right, but his next words indicated that the tensai probably was not right in the head after all. "It would probably be difficult to train a Black Mamba for such a movie."
There was no response the tensai could come up with at Tezuka's statement, finding it hard to keep his face straight. The captain of Seigaku's team had to be one of the most amusing people he had ever met -- moreso that it was mostly all unintentional on the brunette's behalf.
Oshitari cocked his own head as if to mimic Tezuka, observing the other has he looked on, partially wondering if there was something on his face. He would of asked, had the other boy not spoken first with something that was all too comical. "Do you think so?" The blunette chuckled at the innuendo Tezuka had surely not done purposely. "Perhaps you are right." He assured, gazing at Tezuka with a smile.
"Though I do not know how to tame one firsthand, it certainly did not look easy in the documentary," Tezuka offerred. They were, after all, extremely poisonous snakes, and Manaconda would require them to be around very...delicate parts.
How could he have almost forgotten Tezuka's seemingly endless list of documentaries? Oshitari wondered just how many where in the other boy's collection, though he knew of two for sure. Butterflies and ...snakes. It would be amusing if he had one on Manacondas though.
"Maybe I should watch that some day." Oshitari nodded slightly. "To get a better understanding about the black mambas and your reasoning as to why it would of been a better name choice for the book." The bluenette's smile twisted into a grin, finding it all too fun to go along with Tezuka's straight laced thinking.
Oshitari's smile made him wonder if the tensai misunderstood.
"I should prepare you: the documentary does not reference human male genitals to be synonomous with the snake."
Tezuka did not want Oshitari to go into the documentary thinking that it would give him explicit information on the comparision.
Oshitari had to wonder how the brunette could say such words repeatedly with such a straight face, finding it hard himself to keep from laughing.
"I hadn't assumed it had." He assured. "Though perhaps with just your post it notes you have provided me with I can get a better understanding of everything." Oshitari raked a pale hand through his blue strands, swishing aside some of his more unruly bangs.
"Are the Lord of the Ring films your favorite movies?" The bluenette asked rather suddenly, the question just dawning on him.
Now that Oshitari had moved the hair from his face, he had an easier time of making contact with dark eyes. He nodded, relieved to find his worry unfounded, and listened to Oshitari talk about his post it notes. "If you would like to share your thoughts on Lord of the Rings, I would be happy to read your commentary."
The question seemed a little out of the blue, but not unfounded given their conversation. "Yes, I would say so."
"I see." He said, leaning himself slightly forward so as to rest an elbow on the table. Oshitari figured he would ask a few questions, perhaps get a better insight on the unintentional comic. All he knew so far aside from taste in literature was what coffee he preferred -- and that he had a lot of documentaries.
"Any particular reason as to why it is so?" The tensai asked, tilting his head so as to rest on the palm of his hand as his eyes continued to look at Tezuka.
"The combination of an amazing tale with excellent effects, superb acting and a breathtaking set makes for a one of a kind movie. Peter Jackson is very talented," the movies just had everything to offer to an audience patient enough to sit through the entirety of it. "I enjoyed Viggo Mortenson's portrayal of Aragorn, in particular."
He hoped he was not boring the Hyoutei player. "Do you have a favorite movie?"
"You make it sound so very appealing, now I'm more than eager to see them." The bluenette blinked at Tezuka, amused at how even a simple 'everything' would of sufficed as an answer. It seemed the other truly enjoyed LOTR and in turn gave Yuushi just a small hint as to Tezuka's persona -- well, it wasn't really a hint so much as a 'oh, he does enjoy things aside from Tennis and books' -- and documentaries.
"Hmm." Oshitari contemplated the question, finding it difficult to pick just one though easy enough to pick a genre itself. "I don't think I could choose just one, really." There were many films he enjoyed, but as to a favorite ...it was hard to choose. "Though I find myself particularly drawn to movies about pure love."
"Pure love?" Tezuka had been about to take a sip of his coffee, but instead he looked to Oshitari with mild confusion. "What exactly is a pure love movie?"
Oshitari leaned himself back into his chair as he gazed at Tezuka, not at all surprised the other had no idea what he meant. "Pure love is made up of one, just one ingredient." He said with a gentle smile. "Selflessness." Though he doubted the brunette knew who he was quoting or even meant by the phrase. He took a sip of his coffee, allowing his eyes to briefly glance over the coffee shop's occupants -- couples and singles alike.
"A movie where two people give themselves completely to one another." Then tensai turned his attention back to Tezuka. "Mind, heart, and soul."
Tezuka turned around in his chair, following Oshitari's gaze as he explained, and then back to the tensai himself.
It sounded like he was talking about Aragorn and Arwen from Lord of the Rings.
"I don't want to spoil it for you, but I think you will find something like that in Arwen's character." She did give up her immortality to be with Aragorn. "I think I have also seen other movies that contain it."
Other movies that contain it. The bluenette couldn't help but laugh a little, entertained by Tezuka's classification of pure love as it. He wondered if the other had ever seen a purely romantic movie (not of the animal mating kind), seeing as how his idea of love or attraction was non existant from what he'd taken note of so far.
"The movies seem to have just the right blend of things I enjoy in a film then." Fantasy, action, story...and romance? Perfect! "Many other movies contain such love, I am sure you must've seen a few of them." Though Oshitari assumed the concepts had flown right over Tezuka's head.
Looking behind him again to see if someone did anything funny, he looked back to Oshitari with a quesiton in his eyes.
"Aa," Tezuka confirmed. "Can you give me an example of such a movie, so I can know I am thinking of it correctly?"
Oshitari examined Tezuka's questioning eyes, finding it hard to supress a laugh so as to not further confuse the brunette. Though that brought up the question... did the stoic captain of Seigaku ever laugh? Hmm. Mentally noted: this would have to be explored at some point.
"A Scene at the Sea." He said, though it was both a mix of love and tragedy he supposed. There were quiet a few foreign ones he enjoyed as well, though Tezuka would probably not even know the ones in Japanese let alone the ones in English.
"Maybe after we've watched the Lord of the Ring movies, I can invite you over in return." This seemed like a good plan. "Show you a film or two in return."
"I cannot say I have ever heard of it," Tezuka admitted. The 'pure love' genre escaped him entirely. Since Tezuka liked to keep an open mind to things, he agreed, "Yes, I would be agreeable to that."
Oshitari Yuushi was turning out to be a very educational acquaintance indeed.
"Excellent." The tensai smiled his brightest as Tezuka, finding himself oddly happy that the other would agree to it so easily. He half expected the brunette to decline and say 'No thank you, I have a documentary for that.' ...you know, mimicking the phrase 'I have an app for that.' -- terrible comparison, but anyway.
"I am sure I may have one or two you might enjoy." He would have to peruse through his library of DVDs, finding some that had just the right mixture for Tezuka's enjoyment.
Tezuka could understand Oshitari's joy in this; he probably felt the way Tezuka did about sharing Lord of the Rings. With a tiny smile, he said, "I look forward to watching them, and learning why you like them so much."
The bluenette's gaze fell on the other's lips, eyes staring in almost confusion. Was that...a smile?! A faintest hint of a tiny smile on the unemotional-faced Tezuka?! No, maybe his coffee was just bitter -- that explanation seemed more logical.
"I hope you find them informational." Oshitari could only conclude the other would take the concepts as a means to expand his knowledge on things he didn't know, rather than focus on the love aspect. It was just as well.
"I'm sure it will enlighten the concept of pure love," Tezuka said seriously, as if he were discussing micro-biology. He took a sip of coffee and wondered what the Hyoutei player seemed to have worked himself up about now.
"Mm, maybe so." If anything, Oshitari looked forward to Tezuka ripping apart the movies. Plot holes, ridiculous themes, and nonsensical ideas -- he was sure the other boy would find them all.
Oshitari took another sip of his now lukewarm coffee and eyed the clock on the far corner, noting the time that had passed since he arrived. "Time flies by rather quickly when one is enjoying themselves." Or at least, he was enjoying himself with Tezuka's more than amusing statements. "I guess I should get going so as to not take up more of your time." The tensai pushed at the bridge of his glasses before settling his eyes on the brunette.
"Aa," Tezuka agreed to his first sentiment. "I'm sure you have many things to do. Thank you for meeting with me, and for the book."
The second time around, the twitch of a smile on Tezuka's face could not be a trick of the light.
"It was my pleasure, Tezuka." Oshitari said with pleased grin, rising from his seat as he slung his backpack carefully over one shoulder.
"I will contact you...." The bluenette began to affirm as he finally turned to look at his companion, eyes blinking in mild surprise. The twitch of a smile caught him off guard as he stared, his heart betraying him with an odd extra beat. Curse his weakness to fellow attractive people.
"...To let you know when I'm finished with them." He finished his sentence, idly noting how interesting it would be to see more of Tezuka's expressions.
With a nod, Tezuka said, "Please do" and inclined his head respectfully. "Take care on your way home."
Tezuka was going to stay and finish his now cold coffee.
"You as well." Oshitari said as he turned to make way towards the exist, tossing his empty cup in the bin outside.
He smiled to himself, quite looking forward to their future meetings.