Jan 02, 2010 16:50
Ah ha, you guys are so amazingly funny and cool.
So yeah, i'm new to this community and stuff, pretty rad huh? No.
Unfortunately i had the shittiest new years ever, BUT i was stoned aaand drunk.
Some of my friends didn't come to my house party, those bastards, but 2 did and we had lovely margaritas.
My family also was there, and we all played a game of Scattergories (i know, so cheesy) i felt kinda bad because i had to slip away from all the "fun" and smoke 2 bowls, but not that bad because DAMN were they good.
So i met up with various others and stumbled around the downtown area, and almost missed the ball drop because i was so baked. However, the stupid clock in town was a minute off, so it was all pointless. it pissed me off so much..
So my friends went home because they suck (not really D:) and i smoked another bowl.
yay, such a great story, tell it again. NO.
Ps: I will post pictures of my lovely lovely bowl some other day, until then..
Buenas Noches mi amigas y amigos, te amo mucho.
intro posts,
smoke stories