Who: Inui and Kintarou
What: Kin plays with Inui's robot
When: Last night
Where: Inui's room.
Kin: *sneaks into his room to change into his pajamas and grab his toothbrush and stuffed tiger before running to Inui's room and knocking on the door* It's me, Inui-sempai! Let me in! XD
Inui: *lets him in* You got here rather quickly.
Kin: I've been here before. But it was to see Mizuki-sempai then. *walks in and looks around* You have a lot of books! Oh! Thanks for letting me stay here! *grins and holds out his stuffed tiger for Inui's inspection* This is Khan!
Inui: I do. *chuckles* Hello Khan. *pats the tiger on the head* *has come to think about dealing with Kin like dealing with a child in some cases*
Kin: *tucks the tiger under his arm and hugs Inui around the waist, so happy that he doesn't realize he's squeezing a little hard* Why do you read so much? Is it fun?
Inui: *pats Kin on the head this time, having also found that it was difficult to avoid his displays of affection - but was slowly getting used to them* Ah, most of those books I have written in. All the green ones anyway. The rest I read because I'm interested in the things that are written inside them.
Kin: *grins up at him* Like what kind of books do you like? I like the ones about animals and stuff!
Inui: I have ones about robots and electronics. There are some about science and math and others about sport science. I'm afraid I don't have any on animals for you to read.
Kin: *eyes light up and he hugs Inui again* Robots? I don't know anything about robots except for the lasers! I want to know so I can know how to make the evil overlord not mad at me anymore!
Inui: *makes a sheepish kind of expression and pats him again* I don't have robots with lasers. Just ones that talk. *points to the two sitting on one of his shelves* I made them... though I don't really think it's going to help you make your roommate any less mad.
Kin: *lets go of Inui to look at the robots, careful not to touch them* They're so cool! What do they talk about?
Inui: Anything. They learn as they talk to you. So the more you talk, the more they remember about you. Just like when you meet a new friend.
Kin: *grins and dances from foot to foot in his leopard-print pajamas* Hi robots! I'm Kin-chan! Nice to meet you! What are your names?
Inui: They're not turned on, Kintarou. *points out and pulls Byte off the shelf, turning him on* This is Byte. Wait for him to load up and then he'll talk to you.
Kin: *waits patiently, staring at the little robot to see if it does anything cool while it's loading* So he was sleeping? The overlord needs to sleep too sometimes! To recharge his lasers.
Inui: He was hibernating, yes. *nods and waits for Byte's little LED screen to come on with his little text face*
Byte: Good afternoon, Sadaharu. *little face is happy*
Kin: Hi, Byte! I'm Kin! Inui-sempai's my friend! *smiles at the little robot's face*
Byte: Input new user file. Repeat name. *question mark on the screen*
Kin: Kin-chan! *waves at the robot* He looks really smart, Inui-sempai! Did you give him a brain like the scarecrow and the wizard?
Inui: Scare..crow..? *blinks, having no idea what the hell the other was on about - never got read children's stories* ..I don't know what you mean by that, Kintarou.
Byte: Kin-chan. *expression changes to happy* Nice to meet you, Kin-chan. I am Byte.
Kin: *blinks* You never saw the Wizard of Oz? D: It's really good! There's a wizard and a lion and a dog and a house made of candy! Oh! Wait. That was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They have books too, but I haven't read the books. You should read them! XD *turns to the robot* Hi, Byte! Inui-sempai was really smart to make you! Even if he doesn't watch movies. Do you watch movies, Byte?
Byte: I have watched some movies. Not very many. My harddrive is not big enough to store them all. Sadaharu reads me books sometimes, though. Do you like reading books, Kin-chan? *question mark face again*
Inui: Ah.. no. I didn't have much of a childhood, I'm afraid..
Kin: I like books about animals and plants! My dad made me read a book about mushrooms so I wouldn't eat the bad ones anymore. *looks confused at Inui* But you're still a kid now, even if you're really tall!
Inui: *smiles a little* I suppose. *sits down to watch Kin play with Byte*
Byte: That is interesting, Kin-chan. What is your favourite animal?
Kin: I like birds and monkeys the best! Because they live in the trees. XD *Inui looks sad, so Kin crawls onto his lap and hugs him again* Why are you sad?
Inui: *flushes a little bit at Kin being in his lap, but lets him stay* I wouldn't say I'm sad, Kintarou. More like happy watching you play with something I made and wishing that I could be a little more like you in some ways. *leans his back against the wall as he sits there with him*
Kin: *frowns, doesn't understand* Why can't you be the way you want to? Don't you have fun playing with Byte too?
Inui: Sometimes bad things happen and it makes you less able to be the way you like - even if you want to. *picks up Byte and gives him to Kin* I made Byte to keep me company because I had no friends. I'm afraid of how many people are here, even if it sounds silly.
Kin: *holds the robot very gently* I'm your friend! And you have other friends here too! People aren't that scary. Why are they bad?
Inui: Ah, I'm just afraid of them. No one ever liked me until I came here. A lot of people here don't like me either. I suppose I don't know how to act, so it confuses me. *nods*
Byte: Sadaharu is special *happy face*
Inui: =____=;; yes thank you, Byte...
Kin: *grins* I think you're special too! I like you a lot! I dunno why people wouldn't. You're smart and nice and you're even letting me sleep here! XD
Inui: *chuckles* Well I sleep under my bed. So it's not like anyone's ever in my bed. You're more than welcome to it.
Kin: Thank you! I don't want to get eaten! *snuggles against Inui's broad chest*
Inui: *pats Kin's head* I'm sure you won't get eaten, Kintarou.
Kin: D: I won't let him! But he says I look tasty, so I'm staying away. I hope he doesn't eat Peter! *pouts and clings*
Inui: I'm sure Peter will gnaw his face off should there be a confrontation. *assures him in a rather deadpan tone*
Kin: *laughs* Yeah! But that would only make the overlord angrier! Maybe I should cut his hair like Atsushi-semapi said.
Inui: I think that really would get you eaten alive, Kinatrou. How about you just try apologising to him? I can come so you don't get eaten, how about that?
Kin: I already said I was sorry! But he's still mad. Would you really talk to the evil overlord with me? You don't need to. *is quite confused because no one thought they needed to protect Kin before*
Inui: If you want. I'm here to try and help, after all. *kind of a reflex, is used to doing it*
Kin: That's okay. I don't want you to get hurt if he attacks! I don't want to hurt the overlord either though. So I'm staying away until he's not so mad.
Inui: *chuckles* I'm sure you'd protect me. *nods* Well you can stay here until then.
Kin: *grins and hugs him again* Thank you so much! I took a blanket out to the treehouse, but it still got really cold at night. But the cold means that there aren't any bugs around, just the birds and Peter who sleeps with me sometimes. *yawns*
Inui: Well there are plenty of blankets here. *rests a hand on Kin's back somewhat awkwardly at first, but lets it stay there* Are you tired?
Kin: Yeah. *yawns again* I did a lot today! Basketball and football and swimming. The ducks are gone though. They went south. *crawls off Inui and picks up Khan, then slides under the blankets* Are you tired too, Inui-sempai?
Inui: Mn.. a little. Though probably not the way you're tired right now. *tucks him in a little* I'll turn off the light, hm?
Kin: *curls up under the blankets, feels so warm and happy* I can sleep with it on if you need it. I can sleep through lots of stuff! Goodnight, Inui-sempai! *grins at his friend, then closes his eyes*
Inui: *chuckles softly and goes to sit at his desk, thinking that it would be nice to sleep that soundly*
Kin: *falls asleep quickly, light snores coming out of his mouth, he rolls over a lot in his sleep, and soon has the blankets tangled and bunched up*