Title: Mission #29
Assigned To: Kamio Akira (team leader); Akutsu Jin
Monday, 10.16.06: Meeting with Tsukuda Osamu, discussion of possible suspects in the Techonology department that might wish to harm Tezuka-san or the Agency.
Meeting with Inui Sadahara; Inui-san was assigned to the mission by the team leader to gather information from the list of suspects Tsubaka-san provided. Inui-san was assigned to investigate bank accounts, personal emails, and internet correspondance.
Tuesday, 10.17.06 - Sunday, 10.22.06Formal observation period of primary suspects; agents Kamio and Akutsu tailed several of the suspects after work hours, and narrowed down the list to only two with the potential to be the inside the information. On Saturday, 10.21.06, Ohno Junpei was spotted at a local resturant, meeting with a known American agent. Photos of this meeting are enclosed with the remaining evidence. Further evidence, primarily that from Inui-san, indicated that Ohno had received large, unexplained amounts of money to one of his accounts, and had been sending personal emails to the American agent. Subsequently, a series of wiretaps were placed in his home Saturday night, which provided further evidence of Ohno's involvment with the Americans.
Monday, 10.23.06: Arrest warrant for Ohno Junpei filed for after a review of the evidence.
Results & Findings:
On Tuesday, 10.24.06, Ohno Junpei was arrested at his home in the early morning; his computer tower and laptop were confiscated and turned over to anaylsis for further examination and procurement of evidence. The contents of his office have also been confisciated. Ohno is currently in a maxium security prison, charged with treason. Transcripts of wiretaps, copies of bank account statements, emails, and photographs are included with the report.
Conclusion: complete / success
Leader’s Signature: