Late again I know. I couldn't think of anything.. lol
Themes for this week are..
Opening/Ending | Birthday/Celebration
Yeah, since it's my birthday on Sunday I chose "Birthday/Celebration" for the fic theme. This is a fic specific theme, you may NOT use the first theme set for a fic.
The first theme set is for icons.. The image has to come from one of the opening or ending theme songs. Any text you want as long as the image is from the animation of one of the openings or endings. You must include which opening/ending your icon is from in your entry.
Your icon submission should look like this: Theme: ______________________
And your fic submissions like this:
Short Summary/Comments:
Your Fic
Entries are due by Thursday, May 25 by 8:00 PM EST. Submit your icons and fics to this screened post by that time.
The reason the entry time is lowered by a day even though the submission post is late is because Anime North is that weekend and I'll most likely be there and I'll be unable to post the voting.
I want to see more entries this week!