Feb 27, 2007 15:40
So, is this what you think of your self? Is this what you would amount yourself to be? Yes, yes it is. And I swear if you ask this of me again, I'll destroy you.
"Roll over." I said in complete disgust.
"Oh, to hell with you," she said in complete anguish, "do you know what time it is?" What kind of question is that?
"Well, do you know what time it is?" I knew she wouldn't know for the life of her, "You would know just as well as I would. So, don't ask." I looked to my toes and realized how far away they seemed.
"It's time for you to get to that damn sleep," she said incoherently, "so, why don't you get to it?"
"You know why it is I can't get to sleep," I said in complete disgust of myself and that blasted woman I called a companion, "it's because of your stupid, stinking, wretched ass that won't shut yourself up for enough time to get some damn sleep."
"Oh, fuck you." She turned away from me and I smiled. Sleep.
-Eric Aventi
A warm sensation crept down the back of my spine, I felt the warmth creep out of my finger into the chords led by the fingers that extended from my very soul. The sounds that my soul could make were amazing. Without a fore thought, annunciating everything that the world could be feeling, pure joyous excrement floated up to my ears. As tears, scratches, mistakes, perfection, and all that could be created out of a human body sounded to all that would follow I screamed out of the tips of my fingers, "listen to me!"
I pleaded, "Listen to my god damn story and be amazed."
-Eric Aventi