Happy Valentines again.

Feb 14, 2007 09:18

My father passed only a few days ago.  Now, his life is being falsely represented in that hollow box.  That box which lies only a mile and 6 feet from where I am now, maybe I should have put that in different terms, like years and months.  This bar stool probably should have played a factor too, adding additional feet to the inevitable.  Like going to a hospital and have an educated man tell you how long you have left to live, and then you do everything wrong you possibly can.  You reach that hopeful and dreaded end and realize that education doesn’t make you god.  You would figure that you would be excited for this news, but for some strange reason you find yourself angry at the fact that you have to make arrangements for this postponement

I don’t feel very affected in one sense or another.  There isn’t any other place that I would rather have been.  This stool is a bit high though.  As I sat there fiddling around on my pedestal I looked to the door.  “Aw fuck, how did they find me?” I asked myself into my highball glass.

“How’re you feeling?” Their useless inquires beat against my head and into my ear.

With my eyes closed and still speaking into my glass I responded incoherently, “well, by the look of my glass and the weight of my wallet, I would say I am in a good place.”

“Why are you drinking that filth,” I guess idiocy is abundant these days, “that killed your father not even a week ago.”

I set my glass down and I looked straight ahead.  I saw the bartender waiting for my response in case he may lose his business for the day.  “Yeah, I suppose that’s who I got it from,” He smiled, “maybe I picked the wrong role model.”

I got up, excused myself from their day, and walked out a new man.  Well, not new just awake from the sobriety.  I felt my feet lifted up from the heavy ground and felt weightless there looking into the sky, a smile drawn clear across my face.  I felt more in that single moment then I ever have my entire life.  That sure didn’t change once the metal, glass, and asphalt hit.  At least they were all wrong.  For one, I had a smile on my face, and two, I didn’t go like him.

-Eric Aventi


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