
Dec 12, 2008 23:28

First of all I have to say I just HATE (yes the capitals are necessary!) html coding! It has melted my brain today!

So as a result of my brain being melted the uber fic of doom is just staring at me and I'm not really getting very far with it :S On the plus side it is up to 1,200 odd words :DD, on the down side I was unable to resist starting to write part 3! (on about 300 words, even though i pretty much have the whole plot sorted for that one!) and on the even further down side I've remembered how rubbish I am at coming up with names for characters :(

I've finally managed to finish the plot bunny of death :D However I'm not really too sure how well that one has turned out. I'm not completely happy with it, not sure if I ever will be :S

I think I need tea, its sooo blooming cold over here! rather I think I better go put the heating on before I develop frostbite!

*goes off to put on heating*

plot bunny of death, writing, cold, grrrrr, fic of doom!

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