*insert intelligent title here*

Dec 01, 2008 00:18

So its been a while since I updated and I really dont want to get into the habit of neglecting my lj...again!

The uber fic of doom is growing very very slowly, on paper at least. In my head I'm about 2 stories ahead and the original idea has sprouted what could be a sequal, ahhhhhhh! So yeah if what is in my head was on paper i think i would be at around 10,000 words as it is i'm stuck on 450 :( This is what happens when i have the ending completely planned out in my head but i can't get the beginning off the ground!

On a positive front the scarf is coming along nicely :D I'm almost at 40% and its getting longer and longer :DDD I love my scarf!

I seem to have developed a bad habit of doodling :S Earlier on i managed to doodle the interior of what the Tardis would look like in my uber fic of doom. I have to admit i quite liked the outcome!

Till next time x

doodles, knitting, fic of doom!

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