fic of doom! (not to be confused with the plot bunny of death!)

Oct 13, 2008 22:49

Ok so tonight I was really bored and decided to bite the bullet and see if that fic which I had 300 words on wanted to go anywhere. So after a bit of pushing and shoving it all started to flow quite well, not that its anywhere near its final draft or anything yet mind you! But now nearly 1000 words in it just stops, i can't find a way to resolve where i have got to in my story, *cries* Its sort of like i've gone from a to d but my characters are still at c! and somehow i can't find the voice or the plausible explanation of why they are still at c!!! argh! its making my brain hurt *cries more*

on another note i have been lately ignoring my knitting which isnt good at all! maybe its just the fact that i'm getting up to a huge green stripe which i am really not looking forward to :( but its still really not helpful!

*is stressed*

knitting, writing, fic of doom!

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