Panic stations!!!

Sep 29, 2008 23:04


This is me in a blind panic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went to check time_and_chips earlier and they had a mod post reminding people that october month of love is about to start!!! I have to do an entry for the 21st! I still have no idea what to do! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Also I signed up to do the knit-along on who_knits which also starts in october!!!!

Add this stuff to the fact that i will probably be moving house and hopefully starting a job means that October is going to be an uber busy month. :S

Oh god i've just realised...what happens if i dont have internet on the 21st?!?!?!?!

*runs around, flailing wildly*

I really need to stop signing up for stuff at 2am when everything seems like a good idea!

p.s. the uber plot bunny still refuses to considering setting a dalek on it!

panic stations, writing, sleep deprivation make me do silly thing

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