Aug 28, 2009 14:18
Rep. Anthony Weiner is leading the fight for real healthcare reform more than anyone els of the field. Hell, he went into Scarborough country and changed Joe's mind, and you can watch it in "real time," as Joe is rendered "speechless" (is it really speechlessness if you can still say "I'm speechless!"?)
He's so cogent and his arguments so well articulated, I was on the verge of predicting a meteoric rise in politics, especially considering his wide exposure in the media right now and our nation's demographic shift to the left. But aside from his position on healthcare, he doesn't seem "left" enough for the liberalizing trend with the democratic base, though perhaps "centrist" enough for a national campaign.
His message, and the argument for single payer healthcare in general, is that we already have a couple government run health care programs that work wonderfully and suffer from 3% overhead compared to 20% overhead of insurance companies. The very fact that the angry right-wing town-hallers can be heard shouting "keep the government out of Medicare!" communicates that people like Medicare and consider it a successful program, even if they aren't aware that it is government run "socialized" medicine.