Apr 13, 2003 18:32
In my infinite wisdom, I’ve come up with an idea for a new TV show. It’s a spin-off of “Blind Date,” a show that sets up two people on a blind date. As we watch Blind Date, there’s comments plastered all over the screen about what the daters aren’t telling each other. When the date is all over, Roger Lodge, the host, makes some stupid comments of his own, and the show ends. Not really an original concept, but my idea’s a spin-off.
The title is “Blinded Daters.” The premise seems innocent enough when the show starts: two attractive people who’ve never met are set up on a date. My idea includes all the on-screen commentary as the original show. There is a host at the end who makes corny jokes. At this point, you may be wondering “Other than the show’s name, it’s exactly the same, isn’t it?”
And your questioning is well justified because I haven’t gotten to the best part of my show. Because, you see, in my show, about a half hour into the date, the daters are blinded. Not merely blindfolded, but literally blinded. Permanently. Gruesomely. Eyes gouged out, burned, skewered, dried, whatever. Then the date continues as normal with the daters calling out for help, bumping into things they can’t see and begging for mercy.
The on-screen comments say things such as “Oh, that’s GOT to hurt!” “Word on the street is he’s 47 and still a virgin” or possibly “Ha ha! They’ve got no eyes! Suckers!” Little cartoon people on screen throw eggs or fruit at the daters if no passersby are cruel enough to do it themselves.
And Ted Koppel is the host because he can beat up Roger Lodge any day. And, with any luck, since I would be the show’s creator, he would fall in love with me, use me, abuse me and treat me like a bad, bad kitten.