Mar 27, 2006 01:33

Humans never cease to amaze me.

It's so ridiculous. How can people care that much about what others think? Why can't you just have your own opinion and own mind..and go with it. I mean to an extent yes-you should care what others think. But why should you listen to a certain type of music..or dress a certain way just because THEY WANT YOU TO.

Why is it that last year when you wore leggings down to your mid-calf you got stared at and made fun of, but now because they're being sold in popular stores..it's now "OKAY" for people to wear them.

Why is it that people pay $100+ for jeans from Abercrombie simply because they're made by "Abercrombie". Don't lie to yourself..that's mainly why you buy them. Do you get satisfaction out of people seeing the 2 arched lines on your back pockets? Ask yourself..would you buy the EXACT same jeans (minus the tag&the arched lines on the back pocket) from Wal-Mart that were identical to the pair you saw in Abercrombie?? I highly doubt you would. LAME .

Sorry..I've been thinking about stupid stuff like this lately. Stuff that severely pisses me off for no apparent reason. I realize half my best friends are commitors of the "crimes" I was complaining about above..hahah. I just felt like putting down what I felt.

Yesterday was such a shitty day. It almost seems like those are the only kind of days I'm having lately?

I've realized that I'm done with Livejournal. I never really update anymore..and neither does anyone else. That was the whole reason why I stayed..cause I always loved reading others updates. Maybe I'll do it once in a great while or something? But I'm sick of complaining to people who don't really know me that well.

I'm in a cynical mood & I feel like I basically can't count on anyone anymore. It's been a rough past few weeks. Come to think of it..it's been a rough past 384623462783469236466239461298763127631982763162381623 weeks. I'm sick of feeling shitty 70% of the time. I feel like I deserve to be happy. I guess I just have to seek out happiness all by myself.

People are really shitty sometimes..and that annoys the heck out of me. I don't know why anyone would ever want to deliberately make someone feel so horrible. Especially people they care about. It doesn't make any sense to me. Are you that insecure with yourself..that you have to go around day to day making people feel like absolutely crap? Well I just don't know.

The questions I've stated aren't neccessarilly directed towards specific people. Just me ranting away.
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