Feb 17, 2006 16:18
life is action & you are a verb
and i have been getting ito things:
1. poetry nights, Sundays at Java Monkey, reading and hearing excellent poetry at Decatur's finest hangout.
2. party nights, Thursday-Sunday, such as the one i missed down the street at Silas's where Of Monetreal and the other bands showed up to have the most fun available in this lovely city.
3. Music: i recently wrote and recorded a score for a short film that won campus moviefest at both the school and state levels. I now have a round-trip ticket to anywhere in the 48 states, and my music will be playing at the Atlanta Film Festival. Check it out at www.campusmoviefest.com & be sure to check out my friends' movie Carboy which is one of the funniest things i've ever seen
4. Stuff: from planning a free lit & art pamphlet-magazine to pass out soon entitled "Wake Up" to planning an art party after spring break to include a classical duet, bands, Alex's bass amazingness (something and someone i miss a lot) movie screenings, and artwork galore with an extensive after party of church calibur (i live in a church for those of you who are unaware). You should talk to me if you want to come or submit artwork to be seen by tons of awesome people.
5. Spring Break: camping in the desert of Big Bend Texas for a week with friends, a three-and-a-half mile hike to our camping spot on top of a mountain overlooking the desert, with three thousand stars a collection of kindred spirits and the indiginous but elusive peyote cactus for my respectful seeking.
6. Writing: poetry & short stories galore, an essay currently in review for a professor-nominated english department competition (and i could sure use the money)
and you could call me; life is always full of possibilities...
"plenty of time for visions and revisions" as "the Eternal Footman tugs at your coat and snickers"
or Eliot said something like that at least
much love and respect
hope all is well in the vestiges of an old social circle
life is action & you are a verb