Dec 03, 2003 19:55
i want to let everyone know how crazy today has been
1. i am walking around with my hair in a fountain pony tail on top of my head, in my sheep-patterned jammies and a brown fur blanket wrapped around me. schizo-cavewoman chic
2. lauren cant stop giggling and eating. i cant stop eating her kit-kats. she looks emo and we are wearing the same shirts we wore yesterday.
3. brandon is on a canned vegetable binge. he said he would eat someone's hand AND a chili dog. SICK. his under 40 calories diet is a good idea. im going to quit eating sometime soon too
4. my brother bought us a pan of mac and cheese that we plan on eating tonight as we have both procrastinated on an 8 page paper that is due tomorrow. all nighter heaven. i took 3 metabolife in preparation for this one
5. is in effect yet again
6. kirk hates white women
7. anthony the ex told some girl i went to hs with that we had dated. this makes me look extra lame, but oh well. he hates me now
8. jeff the ex told me to call him when i got into town so we could hang out. WTF is up with that. he hates me and we havent hung out since we ended it...2 years ago. he has a girlfriend now.
9. i had a dream about jon the ex and i sorta miss him but i know i actually hate him
10. derek and ron weasley (the dog from thedilly) have been in eachother's bathrooms. gross. she is "THETOTALPACKAGE" of grossness. barf on her
11. ive gone totally insane...manic....depressed and then psycho all in an hour. cuteness.