Title: Loyal
postingwhoreFandom: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Pairing: Caesar/Antonius
Summary: Antonius will always be loyal to Caesar.
Rating: PG
Category: General
Disclaimer: If this were mine, there'd be smut in the original version. Heavy smut between multiple pairings.
You wish you had known. Even though you had your suspicions-Caesar had warned you about Cassius, after all, but you didn't think Brutus would do something like that. You didn't think, period.
He disregarded most of them. Caesar was a man who knew that he could not avoid his death, yet he believed that death could not touch him while he was at his prime. You tried to warn him, but he told you not to worry before kissing you and driving all thought out of your mind.
You should have known that his eventual arrogance would kill him. After all, didn't just about all of the Achaean heroes die from hubris? You didn't stop scrutinizing Caesar's enemies even though he himself had stopped long ago, believing himself to be almost invulnerable while among supposed friends.
But Brutus? You know that Caesar and Brutus had once loved each other, and you thought that because of that and the fact that they were still comrades, Brutus would support Caesar even if he disapproved of it. You didn't imagine...Neither did Caesar.
You should have known, should have seen Cassius and his followers conversing more and more with Brutus in a huddled little group. But you didn't because you thought that nothing they said could sway Brutus; he was a man of honor, after all. You just didn't think that they would use his greatest virtue against him.
It's too late now. The man you love has been killed by his friend and enemies alike, and they cleverly distracted you while they performed the cold-blooded deed. You are better than them, though. After all, you are Caesar's protégée.
You know what Caesar would have done if it had happened to you. You know what you'll have to do to avenge him because the deaths of great men do not go unacknowledged. The conspirators will try to sway the plebeians onto their side, but you know exactly what to do to counter their efforts.
Brutus may be smart, but he is a fool when it comes to dealing with others. He'll try to say it was for them, but you know they don't care about that. You know what they want to hear, and you'll give them exactly what they want. It's what Caesar would have done, after all.
Maybe Brutus did do it because of honor, but his relationship with Caesar ended the day he joined the conspiracy. Only you will ever be worthy of the title Caesar's beloved.