So...I need to remove two stripped screws (the tops are now circles instead of crosses) from my laptop in order to clean one of my laptop fans (they've been on overdrive recently, and it's pretty unpleasant using my laptop when jet engine sounds keep coming from it).... So, does anyone on the flist have any tips? Drilling through the screws is my last resort for obvious reasons.... (Apparently using a drill bit manually will work, too...but that's my second-to-last resort....) I've already tried the rubber band & using different-sized heads methods.
In other news...I've been reading my flist every day, though not really been feeling like posting because it's cold at home and I just want my emotional gratification in the form of good fic. (And I'm getting ever closer to finishing HP7, so soon I can start writing the epic fem!Tom/Harry idea in my head....)
At work, the company took away the 100 rmb monthly gathering alliance and changed it to a 100 rmb monthly department allowance (all in the hands of the department head, of course) and a 50 rmb monthly club allowance (all in the hands of the club treasurer). So I'm now the treasurer of the board game club. (Our original idea was to create a club that everyone in the group (for new friends, I'm in a friend group of about 12 people at work) would then join, and so we could continue to get together using company money :ppp Competitor!PM decided on a board game club because board games can be played anytime, anywhere-we could use the money to go watch films & eat out and then play board games (for free :P) after-but then an additional 10+ people joined our little club because the company gave us only five choices (which, lol wtf). Not that that'll stop us from going through with the original plans, haha, because we know that most people won't come out on weekends, so we are safe. :p)
Anyway, so last Friday we started playing
Legends of the Three Kingdoms, which is, yes, the first collectible card game that I've ever played. And yes, a bunch of us are now addicted, haha. I played the single-player version on my phone a lot on Saturday, then a bunch of us played again on Monday...and will play again today. I've even dreamt about playing it. It's kinda sad, haha. (Though one thing that's really different here is that there isn't a type of person known as a "geek" here, so there isn't any stigma attached to being really into board games/a board game "geek". And tbph lots of board & card games are about strategy, anyway, and everyone knows my pretensions of being an intellectual, so :p)
I also have a new manager now. He can be a bit weird at times, but he's really good as a manager, which is really nice. It's kinda funny having him tell me I'm highly efficient with my work, given how the CEO used to always tell me that I was too slow and inefficient. :p
And moving on...I still haven't got my gift from the Reddit secret santa exchange, wich makes me sad. My gifter marked that my gift has been shipped, but the tracking number on it won't work, which.... :(
And that's about it from me. I know that I owe people e-mails and photos and meme answers...will try to get on that soon, but first...getting the stripped screws out of my laptop so I can get the dust out. :\