1. So...on Tuesday night, an hour before CL, the electricity on the lower levels of the house cut. The wireless router is plugged in on the ground floor, so I missed CL. The electrician was supposed to come on Wednesday, but he got into a traffic accident. A. got someone from work to come, it turns out it's not something simple to fix, and the next day he's got free is...Monday. So I've been setting up camp in the ~office on the first floor (second floor to you non-Brits/Europeans :P), since my room is on the ground floor. Yep. :|
I've also learned what a bad idea having most of one's files on external hard drives can be...but I probably won't stop doing it, lol, because I want to keep the laptop from getting overburdened again. Yes, I can bring the hard drives up to the first floor, but I don't want to make things seem too ~permanent. I already feel bad for spending all my time in here, lol.
So yeah, haven't been on tumblr since Tuesday, because all my image folders are on an external. And I can't even download the matches I missed, either, for the same reason. (Transferring them from the laptop is going to be even more work, so I'm waiting. >_____>) I'm still undecided as to whether I'll try to catch up or not...and if I do, it'll probably be over the course of days.
No thoughts about Bayern, lol. Well, except that Jörg remains a fine silver fox. Oh, and that the team apparently stayed in a posh hotel + country club, so I couldn't have tried to stalk them even if I wanted to, lol.
Leverkusen: y u gotta do this to me. Of course they would end up second place in their group. >______> I just hope they don't draw Barça S: And still so going to see them if they draw Arsenal, lol...
Dortmund: Still need to watch this match but the number and severity of injuries makes me feel sorry for them. On the other hand...now they can concentrate wholly on BuLi. :| I...kinda hope the injuries will make it harder for them to catch up, ngl.
Basel edging out Man Utd & Lyon edging out Ajax & CKSA Moscow jumping over two teams to get second place!: omg these upsets in Groups B-D (too bad Group A didn't have one, lol, it would have made the night ~complete). wtf. I'm kinda loling at EL this year, tbh! Manchester derby in EL would be hilarious. Though it's too bad there won't be a Revierderby in EL, too, lol. I also lol that apparently Schalke supporters are now all DDDDD: because it's become that much harder for them to win EL. Guess imma have to watch more EL matches than I have been.
Though I'm still a bit suspicious about Group D. I would not be surprised if the matches were fixed.
3. Went to Manchester on Thursday to buy stuffs. I...kinda wish I had worn my Bayern scarf just because of the German Christmas markets, lol. Kinda curious whether anyone would have said anything, either in the positive or in the negative! It would have been hilarious to hear someone say 'Scheiß Bayern'. And as usual, I end up getting stuff for myself at Christmas markets in addition to stuff I'm getting for other people. Last year I got myself a cute hat (that I sadly can no longer wear due to my hair accessory :() and a pair of hooded gloves, and this year I got 5 bars of all-natural soap from Provence for only £10! (Well, I think it's all-natural, lol. The French guy working the stall understood little English. S: Not the best person to come over here to sell stuff, imo. S:)
Bountiful day, though I must have bought about 5kg of stuff! I was drooping pretty severely by the end, lol.
4. Received cards from
springinstep, and
starrose17 these past two days, ty!! :D
5. Hi everyone from the
loewsmiserables friending meme! Looking forward to getting to know you guys~~~ I've met so many lovely people from loews, so I'm sure this won't be an exception. :D
P.S. Just found out that the entry I made on 5 December didn't crosspost onto lj. >___> Well, that's what backdating is for, lol. Gonna put the entry under the cut, anyway, just because I want to, lol.
So I found one of my gifs being used as someone's sidebar image on tumblr. Does this mean I've ~made it? lol. It's weird though, being a ~graphics maker rather than a ficcer. I've been the latter in all my other fandoms, but writing in this fandom is like wading through treacle (have way too many unfinished .docs lying around), while .gifs...are just so much easier to make, lol. Of course, whether they are any good is another story, but I wouldn't be the first person making shitty gifs on tumblr, lol.
Does anyone know any puddings (desserts) I can make that are dairy-free, low fat, and/or vegetarian? (Though I'm pretty sure that most puddings are vegetarian, lol.) I'm doing puddings again for our house's Christmas dinner, and um, it's not going to be fun looking for dairy-free and low fat ones. lol I think I might just do two separate ones, one ~special dietary one and a 'regular' one for fatties like me :D Hopefully I can find something at a Christmas market - hitting the ~eight in Manchester later this week, and hopefully I'll find some more gifts as well. S: (Not relishing how many pages of tumblr I'll have to go through when I come back, though >_________< I need to unfollow more people >_<)