I knocked my external onto the floor, and now it has bad sectors. Bad sectors that constantly need to be repaired because they are basically the cancer of hard disks. Every repair takes three hours. A waste of time when I can't do anything, basically, how awesome is that.
I'm going to get a new one and then send this one back to the manufacturer, probably. I don't know what else to do.
In my haste to make it to my group meeting on Wednesday for last minute edits on our presentation for Thursday, well, I basically put my face about 10-20 cm away from a UV light box for 45 minutes straight. I had on sunglasses for protection but no face shield.
I looked like a fucking dumbass who went tanning and overdid it. And I felt even worse because I couldn't even eat an apple without being in pain.
Now I'm peeling, and I'm back in pain.
descants watched all of House in the past three weeks or so. I watched her watch House.
Now I read House/Wilson sometimes. I could say lots of things about what I prefer and what I dislike greatly, but I really just don't care.
I submitted my primary apps on October 15. I'm already past the two week deadline for some of my secondaries, but I just can't be bothered to care when my external hard drive is failing.
I have a midterm tomorrow. I may begin my secondaries in an attempt to procrastinate with studying.